Friday, March 23, 2012

Diamonds are a girls best friend

Yesterday, I saw 4 accidents on roads (2 going to work and 2 coming back).  One of the way to work was really bad.  Almost as soon as I left the house I noticed a big queue of traffic on one of the main roads that connects to SZR.  I could see blue lights flashing and the queue building up further to I decided to turn off and try an alternative route.   But as I made my way up to the 'Big Greens Community Roundabout' and turned left towards Jebel Ali, there was the second accident of the day.  It was obvious that it must has just happened as the police had just turned up but there was no ambulance in sight. 

When I first moved to the UAE I was horrified at how many accidents I saw.  To be honest, most of these where in Abu Dhabi, but Dubai is not much better.  Even though I have been driving since I was 22, it took me almost 9 months to build up the courage to drive over here.  Anyway, this morning it looked like there was only one car involved but unfortunately this car was on it's side, right in the middle of the road.  It always upsets me to see accidents and but I look to see if the driver is safe (which they usually are).  This morning I saw a very distressed looking woman being comforted by some passers-by, so I was comforted that she was the driver and she was safe.  

Most of the cars slowed down and turned off the road onto the wasteland to over take the accident scene.  I did the same.  It feels bad not to stop but accidents happen here all the time, if I stopped I'd be stopping every other day.  So needless to say, I drove the rest of the journey extra safely and listened to upbeat music to try and cheer up my sudden solemn mood.  But on the way back home, I saw two more accidents (not a good day for Dubai drivers).

My relatives had been for a visit to my favourite jewellery store in the Gold and Diamond Park.  Now this is a place that I always take my visitors.  It's a good job my hubby took them as I have a tendency to buy something every time I go in (even when I have absolutely no intentions of doing so, I just can't resist).  I love the place and would recommend it to anyone.  Most expats living here know the one particular store which I am referring to which is Cara Jewellers.  They have such a wide range of jewellery and if they don't have what you want, they will make it for you.  The prices are extremely competitive, all the salesmen are pleasant and helpful and the customer service is great.

The second to last time I was there (New Year week - again with friends from the UK), I saw the celebrity chef Gino D'Acampo with his wife, (my god she had some fabulous diamonds).  At first we didn't realise it was him, until my friend heard him speaking Italian, (although I believe he was born in Stoke on Trent, I didn't realise they all speak Italian in Stoke, lol).  Anyway, we asked one of the salesmen who confirmed that he was a regular customer (can't be bad).  Yesterday, my sister-in-law was grinning from ear to ear, as she had come away from the store with a nice big sparkler.  Well, diamonds are a girl's best friend.

We had a quiet evening, eating BBQ food (obviously hubby cooked). Today, we're going to a traditional Friday brunch at Saffron in the Atlantis Hotel on the Palm.  I promise to keep away from water and will up date you tomorrow.

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