Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Growing Old Gracefully

Would you bloody believe it?  I have an eye infection AGAIN!  What is wrong with me, I ask myself? I'm falling to pieces.  Yesterday I woke up and whilst I was putting on my make up, I noticed that my eye was swollen again.  By midday it had gotten worse and I could hardly see out of my left eye (last time it was the right). 

I've been checking out my eyes a lot recently as I've noticed how saggy they are getting (it's an age thing, I'm sure).  My elder sister had her eyes 'done' last year and they look fab and I keep wondering whether I should go down the same route.  My mum has also had things done but, as I keep getting told, none of us are getting any younger.  I'm actually scared of going under the knife, so I think I'll just have to grin and bear it and grow old graceful (or as graceful as one can get after falling into a Marina).

I did dabble with trying to keep my youthful looks a couple of years ago when I lived in Abu Dhabi.  Needless to say, it wasn't a success story (when is it ever?).  You know how people have house parties for things such as Tupperware, make-up, sexy underwear, candles etc?  Well, I went to one where someone provided cheap botox!  (Not a good idea).  But I was naive and was told that the guy injecting was 100% kosher and I'd be fine.  I must have been mad.

Actually I was OK and nothing drastic happened to me, (like my face exploding or anything).  I did notice the difference and at first I was really happy.  It was a couple of weeks before I went back home to the UK for a holiday.  When I arrived home almost everyone of my family and friends wondered what the hell had happened to me.  Although the wrinkles had diminished a little, I could not move my mouth and therefore had no expression.  Even though I was smiling no one could tell.  I hated it and everyone made me promise not to do it again which I haven't..........

Well not botox anyway.........but something similar - a non-evasive face lift.  That was crap too! and more painful then botox.  I had to go to the salon (yes, yes, I went to an actual professional this time).  I had to have a number of appointments of about 30 mins each (may be more, I can't remember).  The beautician person dabbed me with a paint brush full of some gunge and then tried to electrocute me with an electric roller thingamajig (you can see I know all the technical terminology).    Although I could still smile and frown etc, I didn't look any different.  When my hubby said the same thing, I would insist there was a drastic change (obviously I didn't want him to think I'd wasted my money).  My god, the things we do to keep young.  Anyway, my motto in life is 'try anything once, if you don't like it, don't do it again! 

Spoke to James yesterday, he's leaving Phuket today and going off to the island of Koh Tao to find work.

Hubby and I both had another shot at the treadmill (I know, I know, it's a miracle).  When I arrived home from work hubby was already going for it.  I walked in the bedroom and there was this strange smell, it was awful.  It was something I very rarely smell, I couldn't recognise it at first.  Then I realised it was the smell of sweat (hmmm, yes, very nice - Not!). 

My hubby was actually sweating, I was shocked - anybody who knows my hubby knows he's not the type of person to break out into a sweat at anything, he's just so laid back he's almost horizontal.  40 minutes later it was my turn.  I put another episode of 'Sun, sex and suspicious parents' on the box and went for it.  So, I'm proud to say we're being consistent, 2 days out of 2 is pretty good going, only 2 more days before we head off for the mountains of Canada.

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