Friday, March 30, 2012

Losing Things

Good morning peeps!  Today's the day we fly to Canada.  It's 6:00 am and I woke about an hour ago.  Hubby and I will be off to the airport in about an hour.  In 15 hours we will land we'll be in the US of A.  We have a few hours to spend in Seattle before we have another 50 min flight to Vancouver.  

Yesterday in Dubai, the weather changed drastically, it was 35 degrees and apparently 6 degrees in Vancouver.  After all of my family and friends had been raving about the early summer they've been having (21 degrees), poor old Hull was back down to 13.

I was busy at work most of the day but by 4:00 pm, I was in holiday mode and I couldn't really concentrate on anything important.  Plus I have a really big project on at the moment and it wasn't worth starting anything new for an hour and a half.  My hubby was also in holiday mood and kept sending me messages about how excited he was (Honestly, we're like two little kids). Anyway, I made myself busy on small things, like putting my 'out of office' message on outlook express and informing the canteen that I wouldn't need lunch for the next two weeks (all the important things of course).  At 5:30 pm I was out of there and officially on vacation.

Hubby and I had arranged to go for an evening brunch with some friends to celebrate his birthday (which is actually today).  Not sure it was a great idea knowing we were flying this morning, (I'm not feeling too well at this moment, it must have been something I ate).   Anyway, we had a quick change and was back out of the door for 6:45 pm.  The brunch was at a restaurant called Channels at Media Rotana Dubai.  

There was 6 of us in total. Our other friends came about an hour late after waiting forever for their taxi to arrive (honestly it would have bee quicker to walk). We waited and waited for them but eventually decided we needed to eat (the drink was going right to my head).

Unfortunately, another couple that were due to come lost their dog and spent a good few hours looking for him.  Bless em, the lady has only just moved to Dubai this week (the dog has been here about 4 days).  Not really sure of the full story but all I know is the dog got out, they spent ages looking for it and eventually found it (thank god).  They did actually come out to meet us but by they time they arrived (about 11:30 I think) I was a little worse for wear.

I would like to say I'm sat here now all raring to go on my holidays to be to honest I'm a little stressed.  I've lost my son! Yesterday he went out on a job with work and text me a few times, saying he was feeling a little ill.  However, I haven't heard from him since then.  I've tried calling and sending him numerous messages through every contraption known to man and still have had no response.  He hasn't been home all night and obviously I'm worried. Hubby keeps being really logical saying his phone will be out of charge, he's slept at a mates' house, etc etc.  I'm sure there is a logical reason for his disappearance but right now I need to know he is OK. 

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