Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lost at Sea?

Hi everyone and welcome to today's blogg.

Yesterday, after work, my hubby had arranged to do a night time speciality dive with my son and his friend (our the current lodger). We are both divers, but I'm more of a fair weather diver and am not that keen on diving in the winter months. This is one reason why we can't go wait to go on holiday as we are hoping to dive a number of times throughout the 2 weeks in the Maldives.  Since starting our diving hobby about 3 years ago we've experience diving in the Florida Keys, Oman, Fujairah and Phi Phi Island Thailand.

So, hubby and the boys made all the arrangement for the dive. My youngest was out for the night and my stepson was actually home and in bed (due to the fact he was flying back to Bahrain in the early hours of the morning). 
I settled down for the night in front of the TV, ready to catch up on some of my favourite British soaps. Living in a house full of men, I usually get loads of complaints from them all about how crap the soaps are and how they can't understand how anyone in their right minds could watch such dribble.  Needless to say, I take no notice and still watch them all.  They're like my little bit of home and I like to keep in touch with what's going on.  However, here in the UAE we are a little behind with the schedule, so I have always got to be careful when I'm talking to my mum as she usually tells me what's happened.  Sometimes though, the suspense is killing me and I just have to ask.

My hubby is the worst for complaining though.  He sits in front of the TV pretending not to watch, but every 5 minutes or so he'll say things like, "how come she's with him now?" Or "Would you believe that?" Or "Quick fast forward I want to know what's going to happen!" Why doesn't he just admit that he likes them?
My favourite is Coronation Street.  It's been airing since 1960 and is based in Manchester in the North West of England (about 100 miles away from my home town).  I love it, there are some great characters amongst the cast, many of whom I can relate to in some way or another.  There is good mix of drama and comedy with great story lines.  Although there are some serious story lines it is mixed with some witty lines.

Emmerdale is next on my favourites. I think I much have been watching Emmerdale since it started in 1972.  Again, its a northern soap (about 2.5 hrs away from Hull) so more reminders of home (sometimes Hull even gets a mention).  I remember when I was about 9, I would be out playing in the street with my friend and every night she would have to be home in time for Emmerdale Farm (as it was called till 1989). Each night her family would sit down and watch it together. Apparently they hadn't missed one episode since the day it had started. I wonder if they still have that tradition?  It's actually really nice to watch the seasons change thoughout the year. The budding flowers in Spring, green fields in Summer (remember our fields are full of sand) the fabulous red and gold leaves of autumn and the crisp white snow in winter.

Finally, I watch Eastenders (set in London - South of England). This is the youngest of the soaps - starting in 1985.  I do like it, but it's a programme where you can miss it for 6 months, watch again and pick the story line up straight away.  I do find it depressing though, everyone seems miserable and they always seem to be arguing with each other.  May be everyone is like that in London, I'm not sure.  But anyway, I still watch it, am I sad?

I enjoyed a couple of hours of soap catch up, but by about 10:30 pm I started to wonder where the boys where.  I thought they should have been home by then, they had set off at 6:00 pm.  But trying not to worry, I watched another episode of Eastenders (I'd already finished Corrie and Emmerdale by then).  25 minutes later and still no sign.  I called hubby, his phone was out of range.  I called my son, his phone automatically disconnected.  Unfortunately, I didn't have the number of the lodger to no call to him.

This went on till 12:30 am!  Yes, AM! Everyone who knows me, knows I am a bit of a worrier, especially when it comes to my family (my kids in particular).  But I just think that it's a mother's prorogative to worry and it wouldn't be natural if you didn't.

Hubby and I at Phi Phi Island, Thailand
By 12:30 am I had woken up my step-son up, called my youngest and was pacing around the house wondering what to do.  There had been no answer on any phones for 2 hours and it was 12:30 am.  What was worse, was when my hubby had made the initial arrangements I just nodded and smiled and said; 'Yes', 'bye', 'have fun'.  I never even thought to ask where they where going or when they would be back.  How bad is that?  May be I should listen to my hubby a bit more.

Even the two boys were starting to worry (although they wouldn't admit it later).  I was debating whether or not to call the police or the coast guard, but god knows what I would have said to them or even if they would understand what I was trying to tell them. 

ME:  "Oh excuse me Sir, I think my family are lost at sea". 
COAST GUARD: "And whereabouts where they diving madam" (in an Arabic accent obviously)
ME: "Oh I haven't got a clue!" - great wife and mother I am!

Anyway, at 12:40 am, all three of them rolled into the house as if nothing had happened.  All three! laughing and joking about their adventures and munching away on a McDonalds.  Not a care in the world and totally oblivious to my traumatized state.  Apparently, all their bloody phones had ran out of battery (typical men) but what was I worrying about, why all the fuss?

Needless to say, there was a few words of frustration from my side before I made a quick exit and went to bed, leaving them to enjoy their midnight supper!

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