Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shop till you drop

Yesterday, Charlie went to the grooming parlour.  Charlie is my 3.5 year old Shitzu, and is he is my baby.  He is so cute and placid and every 6-8 weeks he spends a couple of hours being pampered.  Whilst Charlie was in the parlour, I was booking my son's ticket to Thailand.  The dreaded day is getting closer and they leave tomorrow evening.  Even though I knew the day was coming, I've been dreading it so much.  But until he actually leaves this house, I am staying positive and am not going to worry about anything.

To help me to take my mind off it, I went shopping.  My sister-in-law  and I had actually planned a day to look for wedding outfits for my step-daughter's big day in August.  Anyway, the four of us  (me, her and our hubbies) took off to Dubai Mall to look for outfits.  I thought it was going to be a disaster (like last week's shopping trip to DFC).  But no, it very successful. 

After only the second shop, I had bought and chosen my dress.  Being the step-mother of the bride I obviously want to look good but don't want to draw attention to myself (let's hope there's no water about).  So I went for something plain but feminine.  I even managed to buy a fastinator (some sort of feathery thing on a clip for my hair), but about 8 hours later I went back into the first shop we had gone in and bought a hat.  I don't really do hat, and to be honest almost everyone I tried on I looked like a right prat in them (sorry Jo - no offence).  We had such a laugh, as I tired on numerous shapes and sizes until I actually found one that looks good.

So I am almost sorted, I have a brand new pair of shoes which I haven't actually worn, but will go perfectly with the outfit.  I just need to buy a handbag.  Oh yes, and I sort of need to lose a bit more weight.  Although the dress does fit me, I do believe that after the holiday, Mandy's gym will be open for business again - full time.  Another half a stone and some abs work should do the job - The Power of Positive Thinking!

Unfortunately, my sis-in-law wasn't as successful, however she is here all week and has already planned another couple of days in the malls.  I also decided to give the tummy hugging swimsuit another go and bought one for my hols, along with some other holiday clothes.  I always find it a bit strange, that I buy 'summer' holiday clothes when I live in a place where the sun shines 52 weeks of the year (may be that's just an excuse to go shopping, who knows?).

We ate in the Rain Forest Cafe, but we felt a bit silly as we kept expecting the waitresses to kick us out because we didn't have any kids with us.  We took some photos of the aquarium (with a new camera I also bought), our hubbies spent a lot of time in coffee shops and we even had a very small make-over buy a lady I know in one of the beauty stores.  We laughed with her as we discussed how the Emirati women are always made-up to the nines and look beautiful, whilst Western women (well all the ones I know anyway), put make-up on before the go out and by the time the get to a mall it's all off, (how do these ladies do it?). 

So after a very successful shopping trip, about 9 hours later we left the mall, tired but happy!

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