Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thailand Home from Home

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. As you know I have been a little upset due to the fact that my son left for Thailand the evening before last.  Anyway, at lunch time yesterday I noticed a missed call from a number I didn't recognise, and immediately called it back as I hoped it was him.  To my amazement, it was and I was thrilled. He'd only been in Bangkok a couple of hours, had sorted out a place to stay, put his money safely in a bank account, and then had a tuk tuk ride to the main tourist area.  He sounded thrilled to be there and assured me he was fine. 

I spent the day out of the office yesterday, being on a panel of judges for new recruits.  It was a fun day, where I met up with some old colleagues and interacted with many new potential ones.  I was surprised to see all the different nationalities of the people applying for the jobs.  They had come from everywhere; Russian, China, Lebanon, Ukraine, Macedonia, Filipino, India, Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan to name but a few.  Some were more experienced than others, some where shy and/or a little nervous, many others where a lot more confidence and shone through the interviews.  At the end of the day, it was like a scene from the 'X Factor' as the panel convened and made the our selections. But we were happy and it had be a successful day. 

On the evening, hubby, sis-in-law and brother-in-law all took a trip to the Al Qasr  Hotel in Madinat Jumeirah and a Thai restaurant called 'Pai Thai' (quite apt since my son is now there and just a coincidence we'd booked ages ago).  The hotel in itself is magnificent.  A herd of large Arabian Stallions greet you as you drive up to the hotel (not real obviously, statues), and there is a grand entrance, with fountains and waterfalls and the valets wait patiently to park your car.

As the restaurant is in the grounds of the hotel, there are two ways to get to it.  One is by golf buggy and the other is on an Abra, via the small river.  Needless to say we took the Abra going to the hotel ("OMG", I hear you say, "was that wise?", but yes, they all trusted me not to fall in and I'm proud to say I didn't, although I did wonder why my hubby was posed with the camera as I got on the boat).  For some reason though, we returned back to the main reception of the hotel via the golf buggy.

It was a great evening, the weather was perfect and we sat outside on the deck, watching the other Abra's sail by.  The restaurant was really busy, but the waiting staff did a really good job keeping us topped up with food and drinks.  Throughout the night there is a small Thai girl playing some sort of musical instrument and every now and then, she changes her routine and danced around restaurant, grinning like Cheshire cat and stopping periodically to have her photograph taken.

At the end of the night I was trying to persuade everyone not to order dessert as I had ordered a birthday cake for my sister-in-law.  (Its not her birthday till September but obviously we will not be in the UK to celebrate it with her).  Anyway, eventually we decided against it and all was OK.  However, the cake didn't appear, so after a while I started trying to get my hubby's attention so he could check on the whereabouts of the cake.  Oblivious to the strange eye contact and the twitching of my head (as I tried to move him away from the table), I started kicking him under the table.  But instead of asking me quietly what I wanted, he asked me really loudly what was wrong and why was I kicking him?  This just got my relatives wondering what was going on and asking questions.  Needless the surprise wasn't really a surprise by the time the cake eventually arrived.

Just before I went to bed last night, I even managed to read my son's first blog in Thailand. I'm not sure our taste of Thailand was exactly the same as his first day experience but who cares, as long as he is safe.   All I can say is that I am Sooooooo thankful for the Internet, it is amazing!  Needless to say, last night I had a decent sleep and went to bed with my mind at ease. Hopefully this feeling will last but lets see.

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