Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Rare Events Happen in Dubai

A rare event happened in Dubai yesterday. I woke early (5:30 am) to a strange sound coming from outside.  I didn't recognise the sound at first and wondered what the hell was going on.  There were loud banging noises and tapping on the window.  When I looked outside, I saw something that shocked me. Rain! (What's all that about then?)  Rain in Dubai in March!

When I spoke to my mum yesterday she said the weather was great in the UK and that they were all in the garden enjoying the sun.  I'm not too happy about that, why has the sun left Dubai I ask myself?  It's not been great weather for a few weeks now.  First we had the wind, then the fog, now rain!  It was so bad I had to use those things on my car that swipe on the window right to left, left to right.  Now what are they called again?  Oh yes!  windscreen wipers!  The weather didn't cheer up for the rest of the day and by the time I'd left work it was starting to spit!  (more Peter Kay antidotes).

I got the chance to speak to James again on What's App, so all is well on that score.  I also spoke to my mum, dad and oldest sister on Skype.  Like me, most of the women in my family spend their lives on diets.  Last night my mum said they'd started another diet called the hCG diet.  This one is new to me, apparently you're guaranteed to lose 1 lb a day!  But when I heard that the plan combines drops or injections of hCG,  (a pregnancy hormone), and just 500 calories a day I decided that I'd rather give it a miss.  Also when I checked it out on the Internet, there were too many health risks and no guarantee of long-term weight loss. 

When I got home I saw the second rare event of the year.  My hubby on the treadmill!  Yep, he was going for it (well not really he did 20 minutes walking) but at least its 20 minutes more than he has done for about 6 months.  Then it was my turn. 
I bought a pedometer watch at the beginning of the year and wore it for about 6 weeks, then it suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth (hmm that seems to be happening a lot lately).  Anyway, at the weekend I was determined to find it again and eventually after about 1 hr I found it.  My original aim was to walk at least 10,000 steps a day.  With having more of a desk job nowadays I only do about 2,500 steps a day (which is not good at all).  Anyway, wearing the pedometer seems to motivate me to walk more.  

When I'm on the treadmill I tend to like to watch something on TV to keep me busy.  I'd recently downloaded a programme called, 'Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents.'  I'm sure by the title you can imagine what it was about.  Basically it's a series where teenagers from all over the UK, from various different backgrounds go on holiday with their friends for the first time, leaving their parents behind.  However, what they don't know is that their parents are actually in the same holiday destination, spying on them.

some of the parents spying on their kids
Needless to say the parents see all sorts of things from their little 'Angels'  that they are not proud of and some get really upset.  I love my kids to death and am very close to them but what I don't understand is why on earth you would want to spy on your kids especially when you're almost guaranteed to see something you don't want to see.  If, I'd done that programme, I'd never have let me kids out of my sight ever again!  My youngest said he would disown me if I'd followed him and to be honest, I wouldn't have blamed him. 
Anyway, as an observer, it was fine and kept my mind off the exercise.  At the end I'd walked for an hour and done just under 10,000 steps.  Finally, all the cob webs are off the treadmill. 

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