Saturday, April 21, 2012

PMA part 2

Good afternoon peeps, I hope you're all fit and well.  For me today has been a bit of a lazy day.  Generally the day after a Friday brunch is always a bit of a none starter.   The brunch yesterday was pretty good.  We tried out a new place Anise, Intercontinental Hotel which although we've heard of it loads of times, we've never actually been to it (until yesterday).   We booked a table outside on the balcony overlooking the marina, however, after about 15 minutes we decided we were being a little too ambitious and asked to be moved inside.

The restaurant has a relaxed atmosphere and there is a live band playing throughout the afternoon.   The food was very nice with a wide choice of international cuisine,  I tried to stick to seafood (due to the diet) but was tempted a little by the deserts later on in the day.  I was aware that the vodka and cranberry juices I was drinking were going to my head a little, so I tried to slow down which lasted a while but by the end of the session I was drinking mojitos with the rest of my table. 

Then needless to say we moved onto another bar, then another but by 9:00 pm we'd had enough and made our way back to our friends house were we stayed the night.  My friend and I were really tired and immediately went to bed leaving our hubbies having a night cap (how bad are we going to bed at 9:30?). 

This morning when I woke up, my hubby showed me a massive burn on his hand (this size of a tennis ball).  Apparently they were both sat outside in my friends garden sitting having a beer when one of the garden torches fell over.  Obviously my hubby's initial reaction was to try and catch it.  Not a good idea, but luckily he ran to their swimming pool and dunked his hand in to ease the pain.  So although it looks bad it's not as bad as it could have been (thank god). 

So I can't believe that the weekend is almost over and we're back at work again tomorrow already.  It feels like I just blinked and it was done.  Good news is my son Chris has some more work for a couple of weeks, which is great for the short term but is not a long term solution.  During the week I sent him off to an education trade show at Dubai World Trade Centre.  He managed to get some details of some courses he might be able to do here in Dubai, but they are soooooo expensive.  The thing is, he is not academic and therefore this could be a problem.  But before we start panicking and booking him a flight back to the UK we're going to look at the alternatives.

During the week I went to the nail salon to get my nails done.  All was fine but one of the girls that was doing my pedicure had a massive yellow spot on her forehead and I'll I wanted to do was squeeze it (well not me personally but at least tell her so she could do it herself).  Anyway, it wasn't happening, no one told her so I had to sit and watch her scrub away at my feet whilst all I could see was this massive zit.

Also during the week we have had a campaign running at work were we've been donating second hand books for the 'Friends of Cancer Foundation'.  Therefore I raided my collection of books and took them to work.  My colleagues laughed as most of my books were cooking books (well, I have no use for them do I?)  I also managed to get about a dozen from my friend today which I will take to work, it's all in a good cause.

The company I work for are very good at doing a number of charitable activities throughout the year.  Another thing that we've signed up for is to accompany children in remission from cancer to Al Ain Zoo.  As with many people I'm cancer has hit me throughout the years through family and friends and I just feel I like to do my bit every now and then.  When I was in the UK, I did the 'Race for Life' for a number of years to raise money for breast cancer research.  So us volunteers will be taking the kiddies to the zoo for the day (I've promised not to cry and to be strong).  The power of positive thinking, PMA that's the only way!

Finally, I went back to the doctors AGAIN on Thursday, as I keep getting the eye infection.  Apparently however, it's not an eye infection its actually an allergic reaction.  When we narrowed it down we think it is an reaction to mosquitos.  The bloody things, they're not happy with sucking all my blood they want my eye sight now as well.  For some unknown our house seems to be a hive for the buggers.  Hubby and I seem to spend half our time chasing them and trying to kill them, but it's like they're obsessed and out to get us no matter what.

Anyway, it will back to the treadmill tomorrow and a week of being busy, busy, busy at work for me.  I hope you all have a fantastic week and will catch up with you later.

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