Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To ski or not to ski, that was the question

Good morning, afternoon, evening not sure what it is now, depends where you are in the world I suppose. At this moment in time it's 3:30 pm on 3rd April here in Canada. Back in the UAE it's 2:30 am on the 4th and. 5:30 am in Thailand where my son is. And then obviously there's all my friends and family in the UK where it is 11:30 pm. So you can imagine, I'm finding I difficult to keep up with where everyone is and whether they're in bed, at work or simply relaxing before going to bed.

Unfortunately, I'm back in bed. Hubby and I did venture out for a couple of hours at lunch time, but we could only manage 2 hours before I gave it up as a bad job. So the night before last my hubby was ill and we missed our first day of skiing. Yesterday I was fine and we enjoyed a great day skiing (although the weather was a bit mad). 

We had a short siesta yesterday afternoon then went out to the local Irish bar for something to eat and drink. Hubby was still not feeling 100%, and hardly ate his home made Guinness and ale pie (omg it was massive, 6 of us could have eaten it and there would have still been some left over). Anyway, I also ordered the pie, which was lovely, but the bar was really hot (I thought I was having a hot flush until I realised we were sat next to roaring open fire lol) I watched what I ate and also left loads as the pie could have fed a small African village. 

We walked around the village for a while but decided to retreat back to our room. Then that was it, I was up all night being ill, (just like my hubby the day before). We couldn't understand it, neither of us are usually sickly people but this was ridiculous. By morning I was shattered and just ached. Although when you go skiing everyone wants it to snow (bit obvious really) but it hasn't stopped snowing since we got here. Again great but its blistery cold and there is very low cloud so the visibility is crap. When the sun comes out it's so much nicer and more inviting. 

This morning the mountain did not look very inviting at all. Hubby insisted we should stay in and give the skiing up as a bad job. I told my aunt of Facebook that both of us are ready for the knackers yard (old British saying). She told me not to be so silly and get up there. I was determined to get up on the slopes even if it was just for a while, and I hate being defeatist. So went did go up and skied for about 2 hrs before I'd had enough. I was just so weak and kept expecting my legs to give way and I'd go tumbling down the mountain, then flying off into the side into a tree hanging there for dear life. 

Luckily enough, I didn't but i also didn't want to risk it, I do know my limits and decided enough was enough. We're now sat in our room and the sun has finally come out, tomorrow is another day, let's hope it's a successful and enjoyable one.

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