Monday, May 28, 2012

Helping my son find his mojo

Good evening everyone, or good morning/afternoon, whatever it may be wherever you are at this moment in time reading my blog.  Here's mid week blog.  I know for many of you it is not mid week, but I've already done 2 working days (Sunday and Monday) and therefore am almost officially in mid week.

I've been in contact quite a lot with my son in Thailand. Unfortunately things are not really going to plan and he is a little home sick (well not really for Dubai more missing family etc). The problem with his leg didn't help and now he's got himself into a bit of a rut. The dive course has been put on hold and his friend is moving back to Phuket as he has a job at a dive centre. We've had some long discussions and after some motherly advice he is getting his mojo back. I told him though that no matter what I say, only he can change his own future and he needs to make the moves to a better life. Normally he is such a positive person but hopefully he will take note and start to feel more positive very soon, which will make both of us feel better.
So, last week I had my second visit to the dentist where I was measured for a mouth guard.  Apparently because I grind my teeth at night my teeth are being ground down a little.  This also causes headaches, this amazed me when the dentist told me I wake up with headaches (how the hell did he know?).  I always wondered how the hell someone could sleep for 6-7 hours and wake up feeling like they've had 2 rounds with Mike Tyson, now I know why.  So to stop the habit, I have to wear a mouth guard for about 3 months at night (god hubby is gonna love that lol).  So I'm back to the dentist this week to collect it and have more treatment.

The dreaded mozzies have been attacking me again, and again my eyes have swollen, thank god not as severe this time (honestly, I'm falling apart lol).
I have had a bit of a pamering week with a trip to the nail salon, then had my hair done last night by my good friend.  On Saturday, both hubby and I went for a massage.  We were both quite excited waiting in the reception of the Spa at Al Badia golf club, until after about 30 minutes of waiting, they realised we weren't booked in, we were gutted and had to re-book (oh well something to look forward to in a couple of weeks).  Charlie is well now and even he had a trip to the beauty parlour on Saturday.
There were two weddings last week.  One of my colleagues on Thursday here in Dubai and the other was the daughter of one of my very good friend (we had been invited to it but not easy to fly home for the weekend from here).  Anyway, I've seen the photographs and both sets of brides and grooms look like they had amazing days and I wish the all the very best.
My diet is going extremely well and I have lost 7lbs so I'm over the moon.  I'm even starting to get comments from people saying they are noticing my weight loss.  I did really well from Saturday last week until Friday night.  Hubby and I went to the Madinat Theatre again to see John Cleese live (he of Monty Pyhon and Faulty Towers fame).  To be honest, I wasn't too bothered about going to see him but hubby and our friends were keen so we went.  I did laugh though when one of the first things he said was that he'd paid out 18 million pounds to his ex wife for the divorce settlement and still owes her another 3 million.  But then thanked the audiance for contributing to the settlement, at 450 AED (approximately £80) a head he definately had the last laugh.
Anyway, I was determined not to drink and sat in the theatre with my bottle of water, but as soon as it finished our friends insisted we went for something to eat and drink.  So I admit it, I gave in and went for a meal at the Rivington Grill.  After a week of porridge, cuppa soups and milkshakes it was lovely.  I did only have 2 vodka's and cokes (which is a lot less than a normal weekend). 

Needless to say, the next morning I went hell for leather on my treadmill and am proud to say I'm back to a full routine on it now, feeling quite motivated.

Ok that's it for now, off to continue to pack more boxes.  Only 10 days and counting before the move.

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