Sunday, June 24, 2012

UK to UAE - 5 years on

Not knowing very much about the country, culture, lifestyle, 5 years ago today, my hubby, youngest son and I stepped off the plane from Manchester, UK into Abu Dhabi, UAE and our lives have never been the same since.    We've had many ups and downs over the past 5 years (definitely more downs in the first 1-2 years) and I can't believe that half our married life has been spent here.    When we first arrived we set a time frame to stay for at least 2 years, then that changed to 5 years, now we don't have a time frame, we just wait and see what happens.

However, things seems to be going smoothly now, our jobs are as secure as they can ever be here in the UAE (or the rest of the world). The youngest son is going back to old job tomorrow and will be a UAE resident again very soon.  Son JB is still working away in Saudi and son JC is about to leave Thailand and heading back home to the UK (more of that later).  My step daughter's wedding is in 7 weeks time (more on that later too!)
So, it's been almost a week since my last blog.  Life has been hectic as usual with more visits to the dentist, Charlie waking up far too early in a morning (but I'm finally getting used to it - I think), work is as manic as ever as a massive deadline approaches us, and we had our house warming/5 year celebration party on Friday night.
The party was great, I was a real 'Jumeirah Jane' and order food in from a well know catering establishment here in Dubai  The Lime Tree Cafe.  I was actually very impressed the food and service was very good.  I did contribute to some of the catering and spent most of Friday preparing everything.

Anyway, the party was a great success, almost everyone turned up, some people bought gifts, everyone seemed to have a great time, there were no big dramas (no falling in water, or ligaments being pulled etc, etc).  We had friends we've know since arriving in Dubai and some who we've only just met.  There was also a great mix of nationalities and age range (everybody fell in love with Charlie and the garden). 

Chris invited a number of his friends which was fine, but it always amazes me that when they arrive (especially the girls) they don't speak, they just come in, drink your booze, smoke cigarettes and then disappear to listen to other music somewhere else.  To be honest it's not a problem, but it would be nice for them just to acknowledge me as it's my house.  Anyway, afterwards they were the only ones left and hubby and I sat down chatting with them and they were really nice and we had a laugh.

So back the my eldest.  As you all know, things haven't gone according to plan for him in Thailand mainly due to his continuous illness with the mosquito bites.  Last week I was really worried his leg (he was too).  His leg is still very badly infected and weeping green and black puss.  Needless to say being 4 hours away from the mainland is not helping him as there is limited medical support.  This in turn has stopped him being able to dive or do the course he went out there to do.

In hindsight, it would have probably been better if he's planned things a little more before rushing out there, but we all know that the course of true love never runs smoothly and he just wanted to get away from it all.  Nonetheless, he has decided to leave and go back to the UK and seek medical help there (thank god).  Let's hope they sort it out.
However, he is still looking for work (anywhere in the world)- if anyone wants to give him a diving instructors job, please let me know lol.  Hopefully he will be back to full health asap and diving in paradise once more very soon.  On a positive out of this is that he will now be able to attend his step-sister's wedding in August and I get to see him again, sooner than I thought.

So that's it, we've moved in, settled down, had the party and it's time for major keep fit regime before the big day.  I know, I know, you've heard it all before, but this time I have to stick to my guns.  Power of positive thinking and all that.  So, I was back on the treadmill this morning accompanied by the cast of 'Cold Feet' and hubby and I have just had a walk around to our neighbours.  So I'm pleased to say I've done over 12,000 steps today, which (if you pardon the pun), is a step in the right direction.

5 years down, who knows what the next 5 years will bring?

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