Thursday, July 12, 2012

Drilled teeth, black eyes and Rain!

Hi everyone, I can't believe its the end of the week already.  Really looking forward to the weekend and chilling out doing nothing (although tonight my hubby has invited a few people down to ours for a BBQ, so may be it won't be that quiet).  To be honest I just wanted a quiet weekend, so not really happy with hubby at the minute (but I'm sure it will pass, it usually does).

I'm also a little down as I heard something at work today that's really wound me up.  Although I had an idea about what I heard, it just really hurts when I know its the truth.  All I can say is I hate two-faced people and wished people would be genuine instead of fake as f***

Anyway, back to tonight, as far as I am concerned I'm going to take it easy and watch what I eat and drink.  I've been really good this week dieting and exercising and I've downloaded a new app called 'Nutracheck' which is helping me count calories, steps, exercises and all sorts.  So fingers crossed I might actually finally lose some weight!

So last Saturday I went to the dentist AGAIN!  OMG, I am not kidding you it was like a scene out of 'Saw 2'.  I must admit my imagination does run away with me sometimes, but with all the needles,  drills and dodgy looking utensils he used to pull out my temporary caps I was actually quite frightened.   I really thought he was going to rip my teeth out of my mouth and imagined blood spluttering everywhere and living the rest of my life toothless.  My goggles kept steaming up and I felt like I was having hot flushes (but it was probably due to the stress and the ac not being on).  I had to have 6 lots on anesthetic and felt like crying (but hey ho).

Don't get me wrong, he was doing a great job (as always) but I think it didn't go well as I was still a bit stressed from the episodes with my son and I was also disappointed when I realised he was only replacing my temporary teeth with more temporary teeth.  So, again I was there for over 2 hours but still never came out with my new teeth. 

Anyway, after the dentist we had a lovely visit to the Burj Al Arab.  A friend of ours celebrating her birthday this week and her husband arranged a special surprise which was to stay in the hotel for a night.   OMG it is so over the elaborate, everything is really ornate.  The duplex suites are massive and the facilities are great.  Anyway, it was just nice to say we've seen a room, I doubt very much that we will ever be staying there.

So my youngest son turned 21 last Sunday.  I still wonder every day where the years have gone (I still feel 21 myself, never mind my son)  Anyway, after all the shenanigans of last weekend, we had a quiet meal with some friends and my step son (who is temporarily back from KSA) in the Jumeirah Beach Hotel. 

Unfortunately, along with his gifts from people, he also got a black eye and then someone smashed into his car so now has a broken bumper (not a particularly good birthday) but I am sure he will remember it well. 

On Tuesday this week it RAINED!!!

I actually didn't see the rain, but I was on the 23rd floor of a building and looked out of the window and thought it looked a bit strange.  Needless to say the traffic on the roads was horrendous and there where accidents everywhere.  There were also a number of messages on facebook that made me laugh, here are just a few:
"I cannot believe it is raining...40+ and rain"
"Can NOT believe it rained in Dubai today! The weather really has gone mad!"
"Is this another Dubai?  1st Rain + sandstorm + 42c heat, the end is nigh!"

"Storms in the UAE, in July WTF!"

"So disappointed that I'm missing the rain in Dubai, but there has been plenty of it here this week" from a friend currently in Germany on business.
And finally, Charlie decided to go for a walk by himself this week.  Apparently he followed my son out of the door and Tuesday morning and didn't come back for 3 hours.  Thank god my maid was home cleaning!  Although she looked for him for a while he was nowhere to be seen until she heard him scratching at the front door.  God only knows what would have happened if she hadn't been there but thank god he knew his way back.  

Anyway, I've got to go, and get ready for this evening.  Have a great week everyone, speak soon.

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