Friday, July 6, 2012

I love my mum and Skype

Hi all, I'm feeling a bit down at the moment which is a bit crap because I hate feeling like this.  Last night hubby and I went out with my my colleagues from work.  It was a celebration of a number of things, birthday, work anniversaries and the completion and roll out of a big project we've been working on for 6 months.  We had a lovely night in the Left Bank bar at Dubai's Souk Al Bahar.  Lovely food and great company.  I just love the fact that the team as so multicultural and even though there is a 20 year age gap between the youngest and the oldest we all get on so well and I love them dearly.

However, when we got home we had some issues with my youngest son.  To be honest, I don't want to go into it as it is very personal, but needless to say, it involved a lot of crying and a late night Skype call to my mum.  You know what it's like when you just need to talk to your mum, well even at 46 years old, I sometimes need to talk to mine.  Thank god for Skype.  And thanks mum for your supporting words and advice.  Can't wait to see all my family in just 4 weeks from now.

The incident is just one of a few over the past few weeks, which have been stressing me out.  I do worry about a lot of things (some people would say I worry far too much), but I just can't seem to help it which makes things worse. 

Things are looking up for James as he's now staying with my sister and I've just heard he's got a job and starts on Monday.  Which is great news, (obviously, it's not a diving instructor's job - not much call for them in Hull), but at least he'll be able to sort himself out and save up for his next trip to wherever.  He's still not 100% well which is worrying so he needs to get that sorted before he goes anywhere.  And I thank my sister (and the rest of the family) for being there for him and supporting him.

Got home from work a little early one day last week and decided to try and walk Charlie around the lake twice.  However, bless him his little legs couldn't cope and he managed to do one lap.  But it was 39 degrees, he did enjoy running through the water sprinklers though to cool down.  One day during the week it hit 50 degrees - now that's what I call summer.  

So a short one today, may catch up in a couple of days when I'm feeling a little brighter. Off back to the dentist tomorrow for my final fitting of my new caps and off for our first ever visit to Burj Al Arab - can't wait.

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