Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fifty Shades and Cooking all in one week

Well, I've had quite an easy week at work since I got back from holiday in the early hours of Monday morning.  As Ramadan has officially finished, the office has been reasonably quiet as most people are still off week enjoying the Eid holidays.  Therefore, this week I only worked 3 days.
My son laughed and said, you know when your in Dubai when you see 2 Rolls Royce's, a Lamborghini and a Ferrari speeding down the highway at 4:30 am (something you don't seem much of in Hull lol).  
Whilst I was back home I decided to see what all the fuss was over the book, 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and bought the Trilogy from Asda (at 3 for a tenner, bargain!  Books are quite expensive in Dubai).  I had no idea what the book was about (except that it was supposed to be very erotic lol).  So needless to say I had to have a read!  And, it is just that, very explicit, I've never read a book so quickly lol.  Apparently it's the fastest selling paperback of all time, surpassing the Harry Potter series (hmm, I wonder why).   However, someone on the radio said it is 'mummy porn' so when I find myself reading it in public, I feel a little embarrassed and try to hide the title lol.  Anyway,the first book is read and I'm onto book number 2.
Charlie is back at home with us and my treadmill seems to have reproduced since I went away!  Yep, I now have 2 treadmills!  This is because my lovely step-son broke my original one whilst we were in the UK (something to do with a skateboard.... hmm).  Anyway, I think he must have known how annoyed I would be and decided to purchase another one for me (good move!).  However, we have given him the job of getting rid of the old one when he gets back from KSA.  Apparently he asked my hubby if we have such things as 'rag and bone men' in Dubai (hmmm, perhaps not, me thinks!).
Yesterday I decided to cook!  Yes, I know, shock! horror!  I don't know why I just wanted to have a dinner party.  It's probably due to the fact that my sister-in-law and her friends have been doing 'Come Dine With Me' parties and I just got a taste for it.  When hubby and I lived in the UK we often had dinner parties, but usually it was hubby who did most of the cooking (or our other friends hubbies lol). 
Anyway, I got some good ideas from the BBC Good Food website (of which I am now a fan) and made; Leek & mustard vinaigrette with Carmarthen ham (for starters), Crisp chicken with smoked paprika breadcrumbs, with Spinach and beetroot salad (of which I actually cooked the beetroot from fresh) and sweet potato wedges.  For dessert I made a baked raspberry cheesecake (another inspiration from my sister-in-law).
I was actually quite excited about cooking and was enjoying it for a while, until my hubby came in from the garden, looked at my cheesecake and said 'you've burnt it!'  OMG I could have killed him!  I was really upset, I'd been cooking for about 3 hours and instead of complimenting me, he pulled my cheesecake to pieces.  I was not happy (now I know why I don't cook!).  Anyway, after throwing a wobbler for about 10 minutes, I calmed down and continued with my preparation.
The dinner was a very good success and our friends (and my hubby) were actually very impressed.  They have now banned me from ordering in takeaway ever again.  Even the cheesecake was complimented (and it wasn't that burnt lol).
So today, hubby and I went to my favorite shop, Cara Jewellers.  OMG I hate going to that shop, I just cannot resist (they should have a health warning on their door).  I actually went because I had a disaster a couple of weeks ago when I tried to clean my Pandora bracelet with silver cleaner.  I left it in the solution a little to long and the bloody thing turned BROWN!  I thought I had completely ruined and took it to the jewellers to see if they could rescue it.  And to my great surprise, they can and I will have a new and refreshed bracelet tomorrow. 
However, whilst being served the lovely gentlemen in the shop gave us enough time to look around (and that's lethal).  I am now the proud owner of another ring!  Well, it is our 10th wedding anniversary in 3 weeks lol and you know what they say... Diamonds are a girls best friend!  I think he's forgiven for dissing my cheesecake!

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