Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tears and Laughter, All Together Again

Hi everyone!  Well, we're back in the UAE after our family vacation to the UK.  It has been a great 2 weeks and already I'm missing my family and friends. 

The wedding was a great success and all the sleepless nights I had for months beforehand were unnecessary (hmm, I know that now) and my lovely step-daughter and her hubby are sunning themselves in Palace Resorts, Cancun, Mexico (in a lovely place where my hubby and I have been twice).

The second week of our holiday was as manic as the first.  We spent lots of time with family and friends, some of whom we've been friends with for over 20 years, some of whom we've met recently. 
My sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece where the perfect hosts and I thank my lovely niece for giving up her bed for over 2 weeks (thanks, hope you're enjoying having your bed back lol).

It was great to spend time with my son James whilst I was there and needless to say I was in tears when we parted again.  I suppose it's because I'm not sure when I will see him again which hurts me so much.    I also get this way with my parents and parents in-law, as it is not so easy for them to come and visit (and it's worse when they start crying, because it starts me off).   It was great spending time with both sets of parents and I miss them already. But aleast I'll see most of my family again in October when we go to Egypt.

Although I miss everyone else, I know it is easier to keep in touch with them, over Skype etc and already my best friend and her lovely hubby have booked their next trip over here (6 weeks and counting).  Although my god sons are not happy that they will not be visiting this time.

I loved spending time with my niece's children and was amused when her 3 year old who said to me, "Can you go home now? I've had enough of you" lol, I nearly wet myself.  Apparently it was because he was wearing his Incredible Hulk outfit and I was squeezing his muscles too much (oh dear lol).   I also managed to spend some quality time with my god sons and even had a dance with them at their grandmother's 65th birthday party.

We also got to spend sometime with our friends who we were due to go to the Maldives with earlier this year.  As always, it was great to see them and it was just like old times, lots of laughing was had and some crying (won't mention why).  But on the whole it was fabulous to see them and we're hoping they will come to see us sometime in the not to distant future. 

A few years ago, we all had a skiing holiday to France along with a lovely couple we've been friends with for a while.  Anyway, one day we all met up but this time we had two extra little peeps to keep us company (her two little boys who are gorgeous).

The sun shone most of the two weeks and everyone seemed happier.  Usually we go back in the winter and apart from the miserable weather, everyone seems fed up and miserable.  So it was nice to be there with the sun shining and the positive energy around.  It was great to spend time in people's garden's enjoying the sun.  We met with a lovely friend of mine and her hubby and her kids (and the dog, who was actually one of my dog's puppies).  The whole family are really nice and the kids are very polite and great to be around.

We also met up with my ex-husband's brother (who we keep in touch with on face book).  But it has been years since we (me and the boys) saw him and it was lovely.  He is a lovely guy and I think it made his day meeting with us after all these years.  He certainly saw a difference in the boys as last time he saw them they were about 11 and 13. 

We met with an aunt of mine who is great and although we haven't seen each other for a long time, we get on like a house on fire.  And we met up with my lovely cousin and two of her lovely children.  Again, although we haven't had much contact in the past, it was great to catch up.
One afternoon, hubby and I met up with a friend of mine who I've known for about 16 years.  She never changes and we had a good laugh catching up and talking about the 'old days' (needless to say that afternoon I was a little worse for wear when I got home lol). 

I also spent the day at  Beverley Races, Ladies Day with my sister-in-law and her friend.  It was quite nice, as I have only ever been to the races once before (in Dubai).  We only put on small bets, but it was good enough to get our money back and pay for a meal and drinks afterwards.  One thing did spoil it though and that was the weather.  Unfortunately, that day it poured down with rain and all the lovely outfits (and glorious hats) were slightly limp and soggy by the end of the day.

My BFF and I (along with my god son and hubby), met another friend for lunch one afternoon and we had a good old chat.  Afterwards we had a walk around the local village market and bumped into an friend of ours who we used to know when we were barmaids together almost 20 years ago (OMG how things have changed since then).
Talking about things changing, hubby and I caught a quick glimpse of an old ex of mine (GtP - for people who know me, lol) and although my life has changed drastically over the past decade or two, it made me laugh to see him almost 18 years later looking almost the same (except a little fatter, but who isn't lol).  But life has certainly moved on for me and I'm I totally thankful of that.  Who knows what the next few decades will bring?

So as you can see it was a pretty hectic couple of weeks, unfortunately, though it would have been nice to spend more time with some people (sorry if we only got to see you once).  But there is always next year.

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