Monday, September 10, 2012

My mojo needs a Spring clean

Good evening everyone, here's a little catch up blog.
Charlie now has a new play mate.  Yes, some close friends of ours moved into the area last week and are now our neighbours.  They have a lovely little dog called Hamish who is a little white West highland terrier and he's lovely.  I think the two dogs have met a while back but not sure if they remember each other.  Anyway, they have now been reintroduced to one another and hopefully we'll see a bit more of him (Hopefully having him around the corner will also encourage me to take Charlie for walks a little more frequently).
Unfortunately, my diet plan is currently non-existent and I seem to have lost my mojo (again) with anything remotely to do with losing weight.  Although I have now managed to get rid of the old treadmill (courtesy of James and his pick-up), I have not even tried out the new one!!!! (How bad is that?).  Anyway, last night I did a bit of a Spring clean (I know its not Spring, but you know what I mean), anyway, I moved the treadmill into the back room where Charlie sleeps.  I've also just signed up for a 5K run in November, so I really need to get back to some sort of keep fit and exercise regime (perhaps my mojo needs a Spring clean!).
In January this year I did my first 10K run and was really pleased with myself, but after having a few months off, I thought I need to get back into running gradually.  So its a 5K for me in November then perhaps another 10K in January next year.
I also sorted out my step-son's bedroom (or shall I say laundry room). He hasn't actually stayed with us for a couple of months now as he's usually working away or staying with his lady friend. Anyway, we've packed his things away and made the room readily available for my BFF visit in a couple of weeks time.
I also sorted out my home office, ready for my impending studies.  I've had my induction at Middlesex University in Dubai and have already been set a short assignment from my lecturer.  I was quite excited when I went to the induction the other night, I received a free school bag, coffee mug, chocolates and even got a discount off my tuition fees, so I was well impressed (although it doesn't take much for me to be impressed lol).  Anyway, so far so good and I'm feeling quite confident about being a student AGAIN!
Hubby and I went for a brunch with some friends of ours last Friday.  It was in quite a new hotel the 'Rixos' on the Palm.  We had good company and conversation, the place was OK but nothing much to shout home about.  We did pay half price with a Living Social voucher but I'm not sure I'd have been happy paying full price.
I've now finished the second in the Fifty Shades trilogy, 'Fifty Shades Darker' and am now onto book number 3.  I've spoken to my parents a couple of times on the telephone (for some reason my mum seems to be having an issue with her laptop so no Skpye at the mo).  Anyway, I was very amused when I called to speak to them and my dad told me a joke (bless him).  He had a stroke 3 years ago and little things like that are very precious to me.  My oldest son seems to be doing well with his job in the UK and is on a mission to save money and get back onto a beach ASAP.
Anyway, I've only got 2 more days at work left this week before I have a long weekend and hubby and I (along with 2 good friends) fly off to Sri Lanka for our 10th wedding anniversary celebrations.  So, I am sure I'll have a story to tell during my next blog, until then!

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