Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mr & Mrs Blobby go on holiday

This week it has been study, study, study.  I spent all last weekend studying (and didn't get the much needed sleep I should have got) but did manage to actually sit in the garden and enjoy the sun whilst I was reading.  I then spent 3 days in a Leadership Training programme which was held in one of the hotels not too far from my home, and of course, I've attended my uni class twice this week. 

I've got a bit of homework but it's gonna be hard to do this weekend as hubby and I are off on our family holiday to Egypt tomorrow.  However, I've got a number of documents downloaded to my ipad and 'IF' I get the chance I'll do some reading.  But to be honest, I doubt that will happen when I'm going on holiday with 17 other people lol.  However, I might finally get to finish the third book in the Fifty Shades Triology.

The big news this week is, my son is now in the running for '4' diving jobs!  Typical, he's been looking jobs for a few months and heard nothing, now 4 have come all at once.  So thank god something good is happening for him and hopefully he'll be back out of the UK in a couple of weeks and restarting his diving career. 

At the moment he has a concrete offer and 3 others from companies who seem very keen but nothing concrete yet.  Needless to say, it's all boosted his ego 100% and his PMA has come back in leaps and bounds.  I am sure when he does make the decision he'll make the right one. 

I did have time this week to catch up with the latest goings on in X Factor.  OMG what is Louis Walsh on?  Honestly, if I hear one more time 'You're the best contestant this year!" or "You're definately a recoding artist" then I will scream.  And what is going on with the voting?  Jesus, I am sure the voting is rigged!  Last week Carolynne Pool was kicked out of Gary's category (and against Rylan Clark of all people) and this week, Melanie Masson was evicited (what's all that about?).  Honestly, either everyone  who is watching is tone death or someone's fiddling with the figures! (I think there is a conspriracy against anyone over the age of 30!)

So, Mr and Mrs Blobby are going on holiday tomorrow.  Yes (I am referring to my myself AND my husband).  I am not kidding you, we've both eaten so much recently we'll need a JCB to lift us from the plane.  I was behaving so well before the wedding in August and since then I've not dieted and I've not exercised (my poor treadmill has been made redundant once more).  It's really not good and even what's worse is that tomorrow I'll be sunning myself with my sisters and neices who are all really slim.  Oh well it's too late now (especially going on an all inclusive holiday lol).  Will have to worry about it when I get back and set myself a target for Christmas (as you do).

I have just been to do some last minute shopping (buy my sister's birthday present to be honest) and some bloody sales executive in Boots asked me if I was interested in 'anti aging cream' or 'tummy firming cream', when I insisted that I didn't want any, the cheeky sod disappeared and came back about 2 minutes later with the tubs of cream in her hands.  OMG, honesly I spend have my time training people on not making negative assumptions and this is why!  I think I should contact Boots and offer my training services!

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone, my mum, 2 sisters, 2 brother in laws, 2 neices, 1 nephew, and other freinds of my sisters.  We're all going to celebrate my big sister's 50th birthday on Sunday and haven't had a family holiday for years.  I am a little apprehensive though, with 17 people and a few practical jokers, who knows what's gonna happen, but lets wait and see, should be good fun though.

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