Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remember, Remember the 5th November

Remember , Remember the 5th November - Bonfire Night in the UK (unfortunately, I've never seen or heard of anyone celebrating it here in the UAE).  It was really strange this week as I found myself explaining to my colleagues what Bonfire Night is.  It's funny that something that is so obvious to one person can be completely unknown to someone else.  So, because none of my colleagues are British none of them knew what Bonfire Night is or why we celebrate it, I ended up giving them a little bit of a lesson on British History, and explained the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, where in 1605 (I didn't remember the year, had to research this). 13 men planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament but the plan was foiled, and for 400 years, bonfires have burned on November 5th to mark the failed Gunpowder Plot (hence the term, Bonfire Night).

Along side of this, this week I watched a popular British lunchtime TV programme called, Loose Women which consists of a panel of four women who interview celebrities and discuss topical issues, ranging from daily politics and current affairs, to celebrity gossip. It's usually quite entertaining and it was nice to see after a long time.  I episode I watched included a section on Bonfire night and how it seems to have lost it's appeal over the years.  Generally due to the fact that firework displays are carried out numerous times a year and it's not a novelty like it used to be.  Obviously the were promoting the importance of safety when dealing with fireworks. 

I also laughed when I recalled the story to my colleagues about when we were small children we used to make a 'scarecrow' life figure, push it around in a pram and ask people for money by saying 'Penny of the Guy' (i.e. Guy Fawkes).  It's quite bad now when you think about it as we were unconciously promoting burning at the stake.  

The programme also discussed about the sanctuary of marriage which was quite adpt as I separated from my first husband on the 4th November 1994 (which in turn brought about fireworks in one way or another).  When I mentioned this at work the other day, someone thought it was really strange that I can remember such a date.  However, with something as separating from your husband and the father of my 2 children I think it is highly significant that I remember the date (but there you go, everyone to their own opinion).

Fireworks of another kind also erupted this week in the way of a telephone arguement with someone else.  Back in July in one of my blogs (It's my prerogative!) I wrote that "I decided that some people are users and I don't want to be friends with these type of people.  It's just not worth the hassle and crap and I hate having negativity in my life (again life being too short!!!).  So today, I deleted some so called 'friends' from facebook.  I doubt they will even notice but if they do 'tough'.  It's my prerogative! 

But you know when things from the past seem to turn around and hit you right in the arse?  Welll that's what happened to me this week.  After all this time the person in question decided they wanted to 'sort it out' and find out more.  I was honest and admitted to the gossip I was supposed have spread.  I didn't deny anything, but it wasn't gossip, it was what I'd been saying all the time, that I felt used.  Needless to say the people spreading this gossip denied everything! making me out to be the worse person ever and for them to be 'perfect'.  And, might I add, these people who spread the rumours were middle aged men!  Yes!  Peoplel who should know better but have obviously got nothing else to do but cause trouble!  Hmmmm, funny how when the shit hits the fire it's all one sided.

What really gets my goat is the fact that I have more serious things to worry about in my life including a very very dear friend of mine who is very ill at the moment.  Crap from almost complete strangers is so negative and unnecessary.

On a more positive note, my son is now back with us for a whilte.  It's great to have him here (although who knows how long it will be before he's off on his travels again) but for now I will enjoy what time we have.  It's great having him back and he's currently waiting to start some more dive instructor training programmes, so once complete he can hopefully move forward with his career.

I have FINALLY ventured back onto my treadmill this week (Yes, I know, it's only about about 4 months since the last time I was on it).  Unfortunately, I planned a couple of sessions but I managed only once (but its a move in the right direction).  I know I'm studying a Master's Degree but I really hate boring, heavy reading matter, so to kill 2 birds with 1 stone I've found it quite therapeutic to read my study materials whilst power walking.

I've also been taking Charlie out for walks around the lake, which is great at the moment because the weather is just perfect.  Although, Charlie is not impressed with the water sprays on the grass and avoids them by sneaking through railing which divides the field and the lake, walks near the lake and pops back in when we've passed the sprays (lol, wimp).

This week hubby and I walked Charlie around the lake during the evening, however, I was NOT impressed.  We were bombarded with hundred of Bats! (well may be not hundreds but at least 3).  But, honestly couldn't believe it, it was really dark and these 3 bats were dive bombing us.  I was pooing myself.  (God job it wasn't Halloween night, I'd have expected a witch to come and put a spell on us).  Anyway, I was so scared that we walked around the streets and avoided the lake.

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