Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tis the Season to be Jolly - Or is it?

Last the weekend, we attended the Dubai Christmas Festival and are trying to get into the Christmas spirit with the 'Secret Santa' at work, watching Christmas films and decorating our tree, I still can't seem to get into the full swing of things due to work issues.

They say that December is the season to be jolly - hmmmm, I not so sure!

We're only into day 9 and already I've had 2 lots of shocking news.  Firstly, my boss 'has left the company' (Just like that).  We went into work on Monday morning and she was packing her stuff away and then left. 

There was (and will be) no handover and no real explanation for her quick departure (although we all have our suspicions).  Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens a lot in the Middle East (it even happened to my hubby in October last year) and there seems to be nothing anyone can do about it.

Anyway, this has left our team devastated and to be honest a little lost and to top it all, we were all just coming to terms with the crap news and one of my lovely colleagues resigned today! 

Although I knew it was coming, it still hit me like a ton of bricks and after she finally handed in her resignation, I started to have what I can only describe as a panic attack.  I'm not usually a weak person, but something just snapped inside, I started breathing really heavy and had a massive lump in my throat and started to cry.  I think it might be a combination of not only the loss of my friend/colleague, my boss but also my good friend who died last month.

A couple of good things that have cheered me up are that James is loving Sri Lanka and has really settled in there.  He's already done a lot of diving, has learnt a number of Sinhalese words and tried out the local whiskey.  Overall, he's happy, so I'm happy.

Secondly, my recently widowed friend has booked to come and see us with her sister in February, so that will be nice and I am sure she will need the break by then.

So, nothing else to report this week, I'm losing my PMA a little, I am sure it will come back but how quickly is another question.

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