Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Take That, Celine Dion and Rylan Clark

Hi everyone, this week I'm writing from Jeddah in KSA.  I'm here on a business trip but am due to fly back to Dubai in a couple of hours. I'm not very happy though as I've been delayed for 3 hours due to fog in Dubai.  My step son is in Qatar waiting for his flight back to Dubai too (needless to say he's not happy either).  I am however in the first class lounge which is better than waiting around the airport lounge (plus I get free wifi).  Honestly I keep saying it but the Internet is fabulous.  I'm sat here with not phone access but am talking to my hubby in the UAE, my step son in Qatar and my aunt in the UK, and none of it is costing any if us any money!

IIt's been quite different to my many other visits.  I'm usually running around like a blue arsed fly with 101 things to do and working 12 hours a day.  However, this visit has been a lot quieter, as I've been mainly observing my colleagues.  Although I can't speak a word of Arabic I can follow the training quite well (obviously as I wrote it).  But because I was observing, I found the whole visit quite boring (I'd rather be busy than sat around on my bum all day). 

Anyway, I'm hoping that my return flight is much better than the flight out to Jeddah.  As usual the plane was full of pilgrims off to visit the Mecca (and as usual I was visually offended by men in massive white towels and bed linen, showing all the big, fat, hairy bodies).  I'm not complaining about them because of their religious beliefs, I just can't get to grips with the whole half-nakedness.  I tried to ignore them as much as possible but its hard especially when they are getting on and off the plane and standing right in my 'personal space' (honestly it drives me mad!).

One good thing about being away from home is the fact that I hardly eat and it is easy for me to stick to my diet (although if I see one more tuna salad, I'll scream).  Anyway, I'm gonna do the big weigh in tomorrow and see how I've done. 

As I've been sitting a lot in the classroom, I made a conscious effort to go to the hotel gym and spend some time on the treadmill and I've continued to log my calories on my 'My fitness Pal' App.

For some reason I found a Take That video on my iPad (didn't know I had it).  It was of their 'Circus' concert.  OMG it was fantastic, what fabulous entertainers they are!  I enjoyed it so much I stayed on the treadmill for over an hour (wished I'd known I'd had it before I would be about 6 stone by now).    One of my friends on Facebook told me she's seen Take That 8 times! (My god, she's one serious fan! - or is she a stalker? I ask myself)  I really wished I had the chance to see them, they are great.  Although Gary Barlow is my favorite, I actually saw Jason Orange in a different light for the first time and didn't realise that all of them (not just Gary and Mark) can sing lol.

Well, I am not be able to see Take That in concert any time soon, but hubby and I have just booked to see Celine Dion in concert at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas!!!!  (How good is that?).  Really excited about it, don't think anyone can go all the way to Las Vegas and not see a famous singer in concert.  I think it will be her last night of the current season as the next night Shania Twain is playing (We would have gone to see her as well but we leave for Banff on that day).  Anyway, something great to look forward to as hubby and I have been fans of Celine for years.

Finally, whilst sitting in my hotel room I've been catching up with this year's Celebrity Big Brother and series 2 of Homeland (not much difference).  Anyway, I'm not sure if CBB has finished yet, but I'm on to episode 14 and I can tell you that bloody 'Speidi' are driving me MAD!!!  How awful are those two people?  I've never seen such a horrible couple (honestly if I'd been in that house with them I'd have throttled someone by now!). 

Apparently, I've been informed by my friends that the arguments get worse (Why do the voters keep them in - what's wrong with them)?  

There are so many other good people in the house, even though I never liked Rylan's singing in X Factor, I do think he is great and definitely an entertainer (think my money is on him).  If, 'Speidi' get anywhere in the top 5, I'm telling you it's a fix!! 

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