Friday, March 2, 2012

Back Home

Day 2 of my blog, my eldest son said that my first attempt was good, but I needed to check my many spelling mistakes.  Lol, not sure when I suddenly became the child and my son became the parent.

I blame my Ipad, and the fact that the keyboard just cannot keep up with my fingers.  And the fact that it was 1 o'clock in the morning when I had the crazy idea to create the blog!

So, I'm finally home after being in Jeddah for 6 long days.  It was an interesting week (or not as the case may be).

The flight over was packed with half naked men wearing white bed linen or towels.  All I can say is thank god for the manufacturers of huge white towels, no towel can be big enough to cover some of the horrendous sights seen on a flight to Mecca.

Honestly, it was like a mile high toga party, but certainly without the sex!  What I can't get my head around is why men can get on a plane almost in their birthday suits, and women have to adorn themselves with full length abayas!  Anyway, who am I to stand in the way of Alla?

Overall, the training went well with the  exception of one 'perfect' trainer who believes there is nothing anyone can teach him, believe me there are MANY things I could teach him!  First and foremost would be manners!

Although we started in English, by mid week everything was said and done in Arabic! My god, would you believe that? Arabic who would have thought! But its not a problem, body language is the same whatever nationality you are!

My nights in the hotel were sooooooo exciting (not!).  Before I left for my trip I promised myself I would visit the hotel gym every night.  Yeah right!  I never even took my trainers out of the suitcase.  What is wrong with me?  How come the more bored I am the more I don't want to do anything?  However, I did make a conscious effort to walk from the bed to the bathroom once every hour so I wouldn't get bed sores.

So, I spent my evenings catching up with my friends and family on Facebook and Skype.  I love Skype, its my latest fad.  Although I'm always telling my hubby he looks like his dad, and my mum is always complaining about the picture quality and asking if I'm still there. 

I managed to track down an old friend of mine who I met when I was 12!  It will be great to see how our rekindled friendship unwinds over the next few weeks.

Looking forward to the day ahead, going to catch up on some sun and later on meeting with some friends for a yacht trip around the Palm Jumeira!  Soooooo excited!

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