Saturday, March 3, 2012

OMG Why Me?

Two days ago when I decided write a blog, I didn't really know what to call it.  However, knowing what my life is like, a title soon came to mind.  Mandy's Midlife Mayhem is so apt, and my little story today just shows you why!

So, yesterday, a nice trip on an 82 ft yacht  sailing around Palm Jumeirah was planned by one of my friends.  There was 16 of us all in total, some people I knew, some people I didn't. 

I dressed totally inappropriate for the occasion.  Whilst almost everyone was in shorts, t-shits and flip flops, I had a dress and stilettos on.  That's typical of me, if I'd have worn shorts and a t-shirt, the women would have worn evening dresses.  I never seem to get it right.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't great.  As a sandstorm was brewing the captain suggested we hook up in a cove somewhere away from the high winds.  I think this was a great relief to some people who were a little green around the gills by this time.

It wasn't a wild party, in fact it was actually quite subdued as we chatted and got to know each other.  There was a small crew on board who served drinks and followed people around wiping the deck of any spillages.  To be honest, I didn't realise I'd had a lot to drink, but after a week off the booze and hardly anything to eat, it obviously went to my head quickly.

Three hours later, as day turned into night, we disembarked the yacht and that's when it happened!

As small groups of people walked slowly along the pontoon to land, I chatted quietly to my hubby and another party member.  Suddenly I heard those fatal words of my husband "Mandy, be careful".  Before I could ask what he meant, I was GONE!  Gone into the depths of the deep blue sea!

Yes, that's right! I'd walked too close to the edge of the pontoon and had fell in!

All I remember is  falling deeper and deeper into the dark water then scrabbling as fast as I could back to the surface, where my husband and one of the crew members pulled me out.

I looked like a drown rat!  Honestly, I ask myself, Why Me?  I'm supposed to be the sensible one! Apart from my hubby, I was the oldest one on the boat! All my friends had gathered round and once they realised I was fine (apart from a bruised ego) they dispersed quickly.  No doubt laughing their heads off in amazement at my mishap.

My hubby laughed at the fact that I was still clinging to my handbag and my shoes were still in tact.  The bag is an early birthday present from him, there was no way I was losing that! 

Unfortunately, the shenanigans didn't stop there as another drama happened concerning my eldest son, but beleive me, that story is for another day.
I have a bruised body and bruised ego today, but everyone has called to see if I'm ok.  They've actually been very supportive and a number of them said it could have happened to any of them as it was so dark.

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