Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Nothing much happened yesterday.  That's not a problem, as you can tell by now, nothing stays quiet in my house for long. With the impending visit from my sister-in-law and brother-in-law on Thursday, 'Billany Towers' will be open for business again on soon.

I've added another item onto the itinerary.  Friday night after the 'Taste of Dubai' we are going another concert.  This time George Benson and Gabrielle Live in Concert in Burj Park, Downtown Burj Khalifa.  I was a little unsure whether or not to go.  We have a rule in our house that if we can't instantly name 3 songs by an artist then we don't go to their concert.  Gabrielle is no problem for me, my favourite of hers being 'Out of Reach' well remembered for being in the soundtrack of Bridget Jones' Diary.  Also 'Dreams' and 'Rise', see that's 3 without thinking about it. On the other hand, I actually can't name any George Benson songs (I'm too young you see), but I know when I hear them on Friday, I'm sure I'll remember them.

Going back to the 'Taste of Dubai' last year was great. I remember it being really windy so hubby, myself and two friends, had to look for cover from all the sand blowing everywhere.  Funnily enough we ended up in a marquee watching a Micheline chef cook up some marvellous dish in about 5 mins flat. 

After having a few glasses of wine my husband wouldn't stop talking about how great the chef was and how he could cook something just as good.  When it was all over a grouchy woman in the seat in front, turned around in disgust at my husband and almost spat at him that if he didn't shut up when Gary Rhodes came on she wouldn't be responsible for her actions, lol.  I just smiled politely and apologised for my hubby, whilst he sat behind her pulling faces and putting his finger to his lips like a little schoolboy being scolded by the head master.

I'm a bit of a stickler for filling in prize draw coupons and last year there were loads of stalls where hotels and restaurants where offering a meal for 4 or a 5* nights stay in their hotel.  My friend, laughed as I made her fill one in at every opportunity.  Two months later, I was the winner of a meal for 6 at Le Verre, (recently headed by Gordon Ramsey) in the Hilton Dubai Creek Hilton Dubai Creek Hotel, I also won a night in the hotel's penthouse suite for my hubby and myself.  So overall, spending a few minutes filling in those little bits of paper can be worth it, we had a fantastic night.

So after a long day at work, I was too tired for the treadmill.  Think I've decided to give it up as a bad job for now, there is no way I'm going to lose weight before 31st March.  However, I will be on a strict keep fit regime when I get back from my hols, as my next special occasion is the wedding of my lovely step-daughter and her finance in August.

Finally, I looked around on gmail, trying to look for ways of collecting views on my blogg and I came across 'circle of friends'.  I added the people I know and then looked at some it was suggesting.  To my surprize Robbie Williams name came up.  Needless to say, along with Simon Le Bon and Marti Pellow, Robbie was and is actually my favourite singer of all.  I have seen him twice live in concert, once at Knebworth and another time on a trip to Amsterdam. 
Looks like the woman told Robbie off too!
I'm certainly not a stalker and don't normally add strangers onto my accounts but I thought why not?  But as soon as I added him (that's if it's actually him - probably not), I felt bad.  What if miracle of all miracles, it is him and he's sitting down one day in front of the telly, Ipad on his knee, his wife sat next to him telling him about the crap day she's had around the supermarket.  He's not really listening because he's just found 'Mandy's Midlife Mayhem' blogg and is reading away to his hearts content.  But what if he reads '15 Again' my blogg about Duran Duran and he gets upset?  I'm now thinking I might have to do a blogg on Robbie sooner rather than later just to keep it even.  What do you think?

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