Monday, April 16, 2012

Have treadmill, will travel (literally)

Hi peeps,

Well, I've had my first couple of days back at work and my holidays are already becoming a distant memory.  I am about to go for a session at the nail salon having a re balance (although I am really surprised my nails have lasted so long, as usually by now I've started to bite off the acrylics).

Yesterday, my hubby managed to get back hold of his tool kit and together we dismantled, transported and rebuilt my treadmill (My god, I thought I was Handy Andy lol), the bloody thing weighs a ton.  Needless to say, both lads were 'unavailable' to help out at the time, but we managed to get it from the third floor to the ground without any injuries (although hubby did drop something heavy on his foot at one time, but all his toes is still there so all is good).

After all the moving of the treadmill I thought I should at least use it, but then my mum called on Skype and I was distracted.  I did however, get up extra early this morning and walked for 45 mins before I went to work, so I'm feeling extremely proud of myself.  I decided to work through the whole box set of 'Cold Feet' whilst I'm walking each day.  Obviously not the whole box set in one day (one episode a day - keeps me occupied and stops me getting bored).  I even managed to cook breakfast for both myself and my hubby before work - and I cooked dinner last night (omg I must have had a knock on the head)

I've half managed to talk to my son in Thailand, who seems to be doing OK.  However, he did say he's not very well and has a fever.  Although obviously I am worried, I wasn't too worried when he said he'd been out to the pub for something to eat and a change of scenery (bless him).  He finally managed to send me a very long email to tell me how things are and I just managed to read his first blog which gives me a great insight to what he's been up to since he left Bangkok and has put me a ease more now. Check out James Blog here.  Sounds like he's having a great time and experiencing Thailand first hand.  

When I spoke to my mum on Skype, it was good to see her and we were just getting into the swing of things catching up after my holidays when I lost her and was unable to reconnect.  I did however, manage to speak to my two sisters (which is a rarity as they are both technophobes and haven't really got a clue what to do on computers).   

We did however, spend the first 30 mins playing Charades with each other, I could hear them but they couldn't hear me.  Hubby and I were drawing pictures and all sorts before they managed to sort it out.  Bless them, it took both my sisters and my brother-in-law to sort out the issue.   My big sis was very proud of herself when she finally sorted out a problem with the volume.

It was great, I then did a fashion parade with the three outfits I have for the wedding.  Both my sisters are quite fashion conscious and they were providing me with help and advise about what I should wear with the outfit we decided upon, colour of shoes and handbags etc.  Even my youngest sister was explaining in great detail how I should have the dress taken in (lol, bless her, I'm sure she actually forgets I'm 46).  Honestly, I keep saying it but I just love the Internet, we're all these 1000s of miles away and I can spend time with my sisters choosing outfits and having a right laugh, great!

I was also reconnected on Facebook with a cousin of mine who I haven't actually spoken to for about 40 years (god how old does that make me sound?).  Unfortunately, I haven't had time to catch up properly but will do shortly. 

And finally, I was given a lovely compliment by one of my aunts who is following my blog and encouraging me to continue to write my book.  So with that in mind, I am also going to commit to try and write some of my book at least twice a week.  I am not sure it will ever be published, but I would like to say that I did once write a book. 

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