Saturday, April 14, 2012

On a mission

Good evening everybody, well as I mentioned on a previous blog, I thought I'd try not to bore you all by blogging everyday, so from now on it will be every other day or two between blogs.

We arrived home on Friday night after the 14.5 hr flight.  It went pretty well and we managed to get home, unpack and catch up with the lads before we conked out again (although in between we were asked if we wanted to go out for a drink with our friends).  The house was actually in pretty good nick considering the lads have been here by themselves lol (plus our 'lady that does' has been twice a week whilst we've been away).  I tell you, other times we've come back to some right mess even after the lads thought they'd cleaned up. 

One bad thing though was my youngest has lost his job again which is not very good (although it was only a temp job back in December that should have lasted 3 weeks and lasted 5 months).  Now he's out of work again, god knows what he's going to do now. So if there is anyone out there in the UAE who can offer him a job, please let me know.
Yesterday, we got up early (I weighed myself as you do after a holiday) and then we went and did a big shop (with lots of lovely fruit and veg - for the diet of course).  When I got home, I was on a mission and decided to make the spare room into my little gym.  Together we moved the bedroom gym from up stairs to the down stairs bedroom.  The plan is to use the treadmill in a morning before I go to work.  I decided if I can get up early to blog, I can get up to do my exercises, plus that way if the treadmill is downstairs I won't disturb my hubby whilst he's still sleeping.

I spent the rest of the day catching up on my soaps and then finished the day off on the treadmill making sure I'd done 10,000 steps.  I am definitely on a mission to lose a stone for the wedding, which should easily be done as I have 4 months.  However, my problem isn't particularly losing the weight, its keeping it off.  But watch this space.

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