Thursday, April 5, 2012

Highs and Lows

I've now been writing my blog for almost 5 weeks and have really been enjoying it and believe it has been both additive and therapeutic for me in some ways. I find myself wondering what I'm going to write each day but always seem to find something. However, I've been wondering about stopping or at least slowing down.

Someone told me last week that my blogs were becoming boring and that I needed to be myself. The problem is I am being myself. I'd like to say that my life is always exciting and full of great happy things but I would be lying (can anyone say their life is perfect all the time?). Other people have told me they love my blogs and I should keep going, so we'll see.

Today has been one of those days when I've been really high (literally) and really low. We got up early and the sun was shining. Both hubby and I were feeling better after a few rough days. We couldn't wait to get on the slopes and ski. It was amazing, we spent hours going up and down the slopes, hitting the greens, blues and even black runs (which is great for me). The runs have some weird names such as; pony tail, orange peel, upper whisky jack, bear paw, upper and lower Olympic, little red run (which is actually blue). The scenery is spectacular here in Whistler, the best I've ever seen.

We spent the morning on Whistler mountain then at lunch hopped onto the Peak 2 Peak Gondola which travels 2.73 miles been Whistler and Blackcomb mountains. Blackcomb is just as fabulous as Whistler and we skied into the Symphony Amphitheatre, skiing on the burnt stew trail, harmony ridge, the glades and more. We eventually made our way down back to the village were we stopped for a cold drink and relaxed in the afternoon sun.

That was the high, but unfortunately there was also a low. For personal reasons I won't mention what the low is apart from the fact that it is something that is effecting me a lot emotionally and I am finding it difficult to deal with. But I will remain positive and say no more. Up date on the sunny, snowy mountains of Canada will be back again tomorrow.

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