Friday, April 6, 2012

Picture this

Today we had another great day skiing covering over 30 miles on the piste. Unfortunately the powder snow has now gone but it was still fantastic skiing conditions. When we arrived at top of the Symphony Ampitheatre in the morning we decided to ask one of the professional photographers to take a couple of shots of us. Hubby and I have been skiing 9 times in the 10 years we've been married (although we married in September, we saved our honeymoon till the following February so we could go skiing). 

Anyway, during all these times we have never had professional photos done and thought it would be nice to see what they would be like (as they say no obligation to buy). But, its the first and maybe the last time we've been to Canada and we wanted to savour the memory.

The photographer Chris was extremely pleasant (as are all Canadians), he asked us to pose in various positions, stood us at the edge of the mountain (which I thought was a bit dodgy), made us sit and look lovingly into each other's eyes (which just made us laugh) and even made us jump into the air (have you ever tried to jump in ski boots before?).

Anyway, most of the photos were pretty good (but I did keep my sunglasses on so you can't see my wrinkles). The views in the background are just breathtaking, there is nothing like being on top of a mountain with the sun shining down on the snow so it looks like a million crystals and the mountains raise through the clouds. We ended up buying a mixed set and even bought our parents a set as we're sure they will like them (parents always do don't they?).

After our skiing, we spent some time in the village and actually had a couple of drinks in a two of the bars. The first bar we were was called the Brew House, which actually did brew its own beer. Inside there were glass panels and the micro brewery could be seen from the other side (quite impressive). Also for some reason there was a small train set on a track that was suspended from the ceiling, which travelled all around the bar.

We then spent some time in one of the bars in our hotel,the crystal lounge (which we have now realised is two floors below our room). It was also pretty cool, but we decided it was better to be in it rather than be above it trying to sleep lol. So, until tomorrow, bye for now.

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