Friday, April 13, 2012

So long, Seattle

Today is the last day of our holiday as we fly back to the UAE in a couple of hours. Unfortunately though it's one of theses days were you just want to get off home. However, whilst the sun was shining we went on a mission to find something from a Mac Pro store for a friend of ours. Unfortunately, after looking in the town centre then going on a mission to the university outlet mall, (where we were assured of getting what we wanted), we didn't accomplish our deed and was told we'd only find it in either San francisco or Vancouver (typical just coz we've just left there).

Yesterday was a miserable day (weather wise), it rained all day, but it was that fine rain that gets you really wet. But as we are going back to Dubai for the beginning of summer a little rain was nice.

We ventured towards the shops (good idea when it's raining). After looking around a couple of the malls, we found the world famous Macy's. I was so excited to go in, so we decided to have lunch in the cafe. Omg it wasn't half as exclusive as we expected it to be. It reminded us so much of the old 'hammonds' in Hull (for all my family and friends from Hull). It had the same type of deco, the same layout, everything (there's even a bus station outside like in Hull). Anyway, the cafe was like a throw back to the 1970s, and there were signs all over saying they've been feeding shoppers since 1905.

Needless to say, there was 3 obligatory vagrants in the cafe f**ing and blinding all the time we were eating. (well maybe they weren't vagrants as they had their own money and actually never asked my hubby for any lol).  We did actually look at some clothes in Macy's and I bought 2 more wedding outfits, now I have a problem as I have 3 outfits to choose from lol (oh what to do).

Then we made our way to the in door public market place, Pike Place Market  (another place scenes from sleepless in Seattle were filmed). This places is fab, anything you want they have. The fish on the stalls was huge, and flowers beautiful, there were so many trinket stalls selling all sorts of things. They even have a few bars (which obviously we had to try out). It was a bit rough and ready, but good to try. Outside there are numerous cafes and coffee shops from almost every country you can imagine, russian, mexican, turkish, indian, bulgerian, irish, polish, french, italian, japanese and god knows what else.

One thing hubby and i have noticed is the amount of beggers in the streets of Seattle, honestly it's amazing how many there are, and i still find it hard to get my head around. But, I suppose I have to remember there is a recession and may be we've been some of the lucky ones.

So it's goodbye Seattle and the USA until the next time.

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