Saturday, April 14, 2012

Whistler, Canada

Well we've had our first day here in Whistler, Canada. So far, so good. It's been snowing since we arrived in the region, can't wait till we get on the slopes tomorrow. The place is buzzing, really busy, loads of shops and bars. Its probably the busiest resorts we've been to. 

I'm sure the kids would have loved it here (sorry kids). One of the bars has a sign outside which says "time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time" which made me laugh and made me think about my step son, he should make it his motto in life lol.

When we arrived in Vancouver yesterday, hubby and I couldn't believe how many Chinese people are in Canada, the place is packed. When we arrived at the hotel, every restuarant was Asian of some kind. When we went for breakfast this morning, it was like spot the westerner. Not that its an issue, it just seemed strange.

We caught a coach to Whistler which took about 2.5 hrs from Vancouver. The trip up the mountain was great, the scenary was awesome. We travelled up the right hand side of mountain with the ocean on the left of us. Hubby was trying out a bit of whale spotting but saw nothing. 

The snow appeared miles before we arrived in the village. Normally when we've been to Europe the you never see any snow until you're about 5 minutes away. We checked into the  Crystal Lodge Hotel and I was pleased with our choice. Its a really modern hotel and has a bath not just a shower, which will be great for the aching bones in a couple of days. Would you beleive it also has an outside pool and hot tub. We watched a people dipped in and out of the pool and tub. Honestly I thought they must have gone mad. It looked freezing but an English lady and her kids said it was actually boiling (not sure I really want to risk it). 

Hubby and I went for a couple of walks through the village to get out bearings. First we went to the ski hire shop and I insisted on hiring helmets (god knows why, but I felt we had to hire them or something would go wrong). 

We then went to the liquor store to buy (guess what?) yes, liqour. Hubby said he felt like a rebel walking down the straight carrying 2 brown paper bags and a six pack. (that's what you get for not being able to buy liqour so freely in the UAE).

Both my Canadian friends had recommended a restuarant for us to eat in called the Keg, on the Moutain. We accidentially found it so decided to eat there. I was also recommended to eat the fillet steak with blue cheese and garlic mash with bacon (omg it was amazing!), and a great recommendation. The place was packed but the service was fab. We could have stayed there all night, but thought better of it as we don't want to be hung over tomorrow. So we had a further walk around the village after dinner and then went back to the hotel for an early night, excited and apprehensive about our skiing tomorrow.

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