Monday, May 14, 2012

Moving on out!

Good evening everyone, just a little catch up after the weekend.  First of all I would like to reassure everyone that Charlie is on the way to recovery and not buried in the back garden somewhere with a little gravestone above his head.   Apparently, my last blog was a little misleading as I wrote he was 'put to sleep' but I probably used the wrong words.  What I meant to say was that Charlie was sedated so that the vet could examine him properly and xray him.  Anyway, all is well with Charlie.  So no need to worry.

Friday took us to a celebratory birthday brunch at the Habtoor Grand hotel.  As I previously mentioned, I wasn't really in the mood for it (3 brunches in one month isn't funny - then I wonder why I can't lose weight).  Anyway, hubby and I had a really nice time with our friends, needless to say drank far too much.  I am pleased to say I didn't fall in any marinas or call any of my family or friends whilst I was a little tipsy, but I was a little ill on the way home (that's all I will say).

We did meet a lovely bunch of people (mainly South African, I think) who I loved instantly when one of them thought I was 37.  Needless to say he's my friend for life now lol.  However, he was as drunk as the rest of us, that's probably why he thought I was younger (his beer goggles probably had something to do with it).
Anyway, I did get the chance to speak to a nice guy and his wife for a while who could be a good contact my for son getting a job (so fingers crossed there).

On Saturday, hubby and I went for a dental check-up and clean.  Kamiliapolyclinic I'd purchased some groupon vouchers months ago for the whole family, but needless to say the kids weren't around so we went ourselves.  I was very impressed with the place and was amazed at the technology they had. 

Not only did they have mood music and varying mood scenes changing on a TV screen above my head, the dentist took photographs of my mouth whilst I watched everything on screen in front of me.  He then proceeded to explain lots of things to me and clarified a number of questions I've wanted answering for years.  Overall, my teeth are in pretty good nick but I am going to have some preventative treatment done to stop things getting worse.  I am also going to have a molar replaced which taken out when I was about 10.  So I know it sounds silly but I'm actually looking forward to going back.
Our new garden taken from bedroom balcony
Hubby and I then popped to our friends for a quick cuppa before we went to view another villa.  (actually we got a full English breakfast too).   The villa is in excellent condition and in our price range.  We put an offer into the landlord and we move in next week!  I can't wait.  It has a really big garden (Charlie will also love it) and we'll be able to start having more BBQs etc and inviting people round.  

Saturday night we caught up with our friends whose parents are over from the UK for a holiday.  It's always great to see people who are on holiday (even if they are someone elses parents).  Anyway, we had a nice quiet night with some other friends and it was just great to catch up with everyone.

As usual work has been busy (nothing much changes there).  Unfortunately, the treadmill and exercise has totally gone out of the window and probably won't get back on track now until we're sorted in the new place (then I'll be able to really concentrate).  As for now, I'm packing boxes, getting rid of old stuff and preparing for the next chapter of our lives in Dubai.

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