Friday, May 11, 2012

Son on the road to recovery (1), visit to the vet (1)

Good morning everyone, sorry it's taken me almost a week to write my next blog but I've been really busy.  Anyway, it's Friday morning here in sunny Dubai, everyone in the house is sleeping so I thought I'd do a little catch up.

Sunday through to the early hours of Wednesday morning I went on another business trip to Jeddah in KSA.  I usually travel alone, however this time I went with my boss, so it was great to have the company, someone to chat to and to keep my mind of all the white sheets and half naked bodies. 

The flight was OK (the obligatory screaming baby was certainly testing of its little lungs and my ear drums out).  But I snapped in my ear phones and watched a film called 'The Vow' (which needless to say made me cry).  On the way back I watched 'The Woman in Black' with Daniel Radcliff (which was scary and made me jump not cry).  It is a pretty good film, although I thought the scenes where he kept walking down the corridors in suspense waiting to see what was in the room got a bit boring in the end.  It kept wanting him to just hurry up, have a look, do a bit of wizardry on the ghost and then everything would have been OK (but then perhaps I was thinking of a different film).

As usual, we worked long hours and it was very tiring but successful.  We managed to have dinner in my room one night and meet a lady friend of my boss's the second night (which was a refreshing change as I usually just spend all night in my room).  

I wasn't happy that a taxi driver charged me double the price we'd been charged the day before and when I challenged him about it, he just shock he head and pretended he didn't understand.  Honestly, its not the money (I would have tipped him anyway), its the bloody principle!  When people do that, it really winds me up, so I whinged for about 30 minutes afterwards to everyone I met about the taxi driver who ripped me off.

I managed to spend a lot of time with some new members of staff, which was nice and I got to know them a little better.  A lot of the staff there are Syrian and although they don't go on about the troubles in their country, they obviously are concerned about their families and friends.  I send my wishes out to all of them and pray that soon the troubles will be over.

I am now finally having regular contact with my son in Thailand (halleluiah, praise the lord).  His leg is healing well (although now he has another bite, so is continuing with the medication), he has got his phone sorted out (hooray) and he started his diving course 3 days ago.  So all in all he seems to be finally on the road to recovery and sorting himself out.

Whilst I was in Jeddah, I spoke to my hubby and two of my best friends on Skype.  I did try to do a conference call with all 3 of them, but I haven't worked out how to do that yet without disconnecting someone.  Anyway, as usual it was great to speak to my friends in the UK (and my hubby of course).  Really looking forward to seeing them in August when we go back.  I also managed to speak to my big sis on Skype again yesterday and am still impressed she remembered how to connect and chat with me (without any help lol).

On my return to Dubai on Wednesday I found myself arranging viewings for villas.  Hubby and I went to see 3.  The agent was a nice British guy, who was extremely helpful and said we'd probably be able to move within 4 days (lol only 2.5 months before our rent is due up here).  Anyway, we put in an offer for one but the next day the landlord decided to change his mind about renting it (what the hell).  We the put an offer in for the second one we'd seen but the landlord wouldn't drop his price (and to be honest there are so many villas for rent, we have loads of time, so I'm not going to give someone more money when I don't have to).  Anyway, we're seeing some more tomorrow, so lets see, we're not in a rush, so we have time to negotiate and get a good deal for us and not the landlord.

Charlie (my dog) is unwell.  We've had him at the vets and apparently his stomach is bloated and he has indigestion.  He's also twisted his vertebrae (probably when he's been bouncing around the living room) and one of his little bones is rubbing against another one (something like that anyway, you know I'm not medical).  Anyway, bless him, he was put to sleep, had a couple of xrays (which they put on DVD would you believe it?) Although saying that, when I tried to view the DVD it wouldn't open, so there's probably nothing on it and they did it for effect lol.  Anyway, now he's on 3 lots of tablets a day (which aren't the best thing to try to administer).  Last night I tried for about 10 minutes to give him his pills to no avail as he kept dropping it out his mouth.  My hubby just sat there laughing before he got up and did it first time (how annoying is that?).

Finally, I'm afraid the dieting and exercise has gone totally out of the window this week, what with the ungodly hours of my flights and all the food they 'insist' you eat in Jeddah, it has just not happened.  I'm not even going to think about weighing myself today because I'll just get depressed (and we have another brunch this afternoon).  So it will be back to the drawing board tomorrow and back into my routine for then on.

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