Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get into the Groove

Good evening everyone, this is gonna be a quick one as I am about to set off the Yas Island in Abu Dhabi to see the world famous Queen of Pop 'Madonna' live on stage.  I'm actually quite excited (almost as excited as when I went to see Duran Duran a few months back).  I will give a review of the gig later in the week.

So, last week my step son arrived back from his first time working in Jeddah in KSA.  Bless him, two full weeks and back home for a day and a half before going back for another 46 day stint.  Needless to say, he had no time to pack (as this precious 36 hours was mostly spent in a bar somewhere getting his alcohol fix lol).  Anyway, his packing was left to his dad and I (oh no surprise there then!).
My son James is feeling a lot better and his hoping to start his diving course again next week.  Bless him, it's his birthday on Friday and I feel bad that we can't spend it with him, but I suppose that's the way live goes sometimes.  But anyway, I'm just glad he seems to be back on track and as promised I have called him every day.

Last Thursday, through Facebook, I was in contact with an aunt who I haven't actually met before (she married my uncle long after I lost touch with him).  Anyway, I was very excited to hear they were coming for a trip to Dubai and were supposed to be arriving tomorrow.  We arranged to meet and and catch up after many years.  However, unfortunately, they had a family emergency and the trip was cancelled.  I hope everything is OK and look forward to meeting in the future.   

The Cambridge diet has been stopped.  Yep I gave in after 2 weeks (but have saved some packets of food for the week before I go back to the UK).  The diet is good to boost your weight loss but honestly I got so fed up of eating porridge and cuppa soups, I felt like a baby not being able to eat solids.

Over the weekend we had another short stay over at The Cove Rotana hotel in Ras Al Khaimah (about an hour away from here).  I must say, it was a big improvement to the last Rotana we stayed at, and we all had a lovely relaxing time.   

Finally, almost all the packing is done and I'm definitely on countdown to the big moving day, 3 more nights and we're off.

Right gotta go, my lift is waiting..... Get into the Groove........

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