Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Madonna or Michael Jackson? - That was the question

I finished my last blog on Sunday when I was about to set of to the Du Arena on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi to watch Madonna, live in concert.

Unfortunately, the night didn't start well when 22,000 fans (us included) braved the night heat for an extra 1 hour and 40 mins as Madonna was late arriving on stage.  Instead of coming on stage at 9:00 pm she came on at 10:40 pm.  I am not kidding you the crowd were not happy as we had to listen to over an hour of Michael Jackson songs. 

Nothing wrong with a bit of Michael Jackson but every time a song finished, the crowd hesitated waiting for Madonna to come on stage, but then were disappointed again when another Michael Jackson song played across the arena (Honestly, at one moment in time we expected the great man himself to appear on stage). Everyone was also very annoyed at the fact that no representative came onto the stage to provide us with an excuse as to why she was late.  After over an hour of waiting, everyone started booing her.

Eventually she arrived on stage and kicked off the show to the sound of a chiming church bell and dancers clad in red monks' cloaks.  There was a massive gold-coloured Catholic thurible, teeming with smoke and swinging over the heads of the audience (earlier on we'd been debating whether Madonna was actually in it and couldn't get out that's why she was late lol).
As I was practically brought up with Madonna I was quite disappointed in the fact that she didn't sing more of her old stuff, and the one's she did, she'd changed so much, we hardly recognised them.   For me the highlight of the night was when she sang 'Vogue' and the worse was 'Like a Virgin', Jesus Christ it was horrendous (sorry Madonna). 

But I was amazed at the age of 53 the amount of energy she has and how fit she is.   Plus the special effects and dancers were also awesome.  I especially liked it when she dressed as a majorette and she had number of drummers hung in the air  (very impressive).  She did however, sing a lot of songs from her new album (which unfortunately I don't know, so couldn't see along with - and some of the stage show was very strange). 

I know she is always controversial but I wasn't particularly happy when she called the audience 'Mother Fuckers' and one of her songs was called 'I don't give a shit' and every time she said shit the word appeared in massive letters on the gigantic screen on stage.  Honestly, a bit of respect would have been nice, she should have remembered where she was (but is that me just showing my age?) Anyway, at 12:00 pm we decided we'd had enough and left before the ending (as did many others).

Well that's it for my review on the Madonna gig (it's only my opinion other's might have loved it, but hey ho!).

Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for for ages - we're moving house. Just finished our final packing before the removal company arrive in the morning. I am so excited, I feel like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas day.

Unfortunately, yesterday the water in our current house was turned off (god only knows why - but probably due to more contract work and roads/pavements being dug up outside). Anyway, needless to say we were not happy bunnies when we couldn't even get a wash before work yesterday. Thankfully, hubby picked up the keys to our new place so we managed to pop there after work and have a shower and nice hot water.

Tonight, I visited the dentist again and had my teeth whitened (and picked up my mouth guard). I wasn't too keen on the bleaching procedure but think it has made an improvement (let's see if anyone notices at work tomorrow).

I'll be unpacking boxes and sorting things out for the next few days so will catch up soon.

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