Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hopping the Night Away

Hi everyone!  So, we finally moved house (OMG I am soooooo happy).  Hopefully, we will finally settle here, as after 5 years in the Middle East this is the 4th time we have moved house (honestly I feel like a gypsy - I should own a big caravan).  Anyway, the new house is really nice and I feel at home already even after just a few days.

The removal company arrived on Thursday morning as planned and as always (yes we've used the same removal company 4 times too!) they were really good (they're not called Fast Movers for nothing).  No, seriously they are very good and come highly recommended. 

When I arrived home most of our belongings had been put into the right rooms and it was just a case of us unpacking boxes and sorting things out to where we wanted them to be.  (when I say we, I mean hubby and I, Chris took about 3 days to unpack his few belongings and I'm still not sure if everything is done).  But that's young 'uns for you, I think he thought the unpacking fairy would come in the middle of the night and do it for him! (Wrong he's nearly 21 and his unpacking fairy had done enough!)

Anyway, the next day, I was so excited I woke at 6:00 am (on a Friday! What's all that about?).  Charlie and I sat in the garden for about an hour enjoying the peace and quiet.  Charlie just sat on my knee watching the birds.  It's so nice to have a proper garden with grass and flowers and trees, listening to the birds sing. 

At lunch time our friends came around to see us with a lovely home warming gift and both the hubbies, spent the afternoon putting up the pool.  Needless to say, it is quite big so it took some time to fill (over night in fact).  However, yesterday we did manage to have a couple of dips and it is lovely (even though I do say so myself).  More friends came yesterday (again bringing nice gifts which is so sweet), and by late afternoon we had our first BBQ.

As you know my other son celebrated his 23rd birthday on Friday, I did manage to speak to him for a while, but needless to say he was a little hung over and tired due to partying the previous night.  Anyway, all seems well from his side and he's still staying positive.

Friday night hubby and I went to a friend's surprise 40th birthday party which had a 1970's theme.  Hubby and I dressed as two hippies and did the whole 'flower power' scene which was quite cool and needless to say he had a few comments made about the long blond wig he was wearing lol.

Most of the party goers had made a really big effort and had even shipped their costumes in from the UK and the US.  It was really good to see a number of people we haven't seen in a long time and felt like it was only yesterday (one couple live just around the corner from us, which is great and we've already arranged to see them soon).  We all had a brilliant night.
Typical Mandy style though, I couldn't go through the night without something happening.  (and before I go any further, it was not due to over consumption of alcohol!).  About 9 o'clock, we were all having a bit of a boogie and as I gave a little jump in the air, I felt something snap in my left leg (honestly, I thought a vein had snapped or something but apparently I'd pulled a ligament - well that was my Internet diagnosis anyway).  I ended up spending the rest of the night hopping and dancing on one leg (which isn't great when you're trying to stomp to 'Eye to Eye contact'). 

Loads of people kept trying to get me to rest it, but I wasn't having it ruin my night.  One person in particular kept trying to get the barmen to get the first aid kit, but apparently they came back with a plaster (hmmm).   Even though my leg was worse by the end of the night, we still went on to a night club.  But I have to admit, it was really busy, hubby and were tired by 2:30 am, we only stayed for one drink and finally called it a night (not bad for 2 old farts though). 

After only a few hours sleep, I was up early again and unpacking more boxes (but this time more slowly and hobbling on one leg).  However, I did try to rest it as much as I could and wrapped a bandage around my swollen leg.  However, tonight it is feeling much better and there is hardly any sign of a limp. 

So all is well.  Back to dentist for more treatment tomorrow.  Will catch up at the end of the week.  Have a good one everyone, I know I will.

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