Monday, December 24, 2012

End of the World? I think Not, it's Christmas tomorrow

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!  It's been reasonably festive so far this year. Although at work we usually get a number of gifts from different departments, but this year we didn't get anything!  We all waited in anticipation for the Group corporate gift and even that didn't arrive!  What's going on?  (Is Santa on strike?)

Last Friday, the topic of conversation was the predication that on the 21 December 2012 the world would end (but not for a small village in France, oh and Africans apparently).  Needless to say none of us believed it, but by the time we had finished our conversation on Thursday at work, I was beginning to think I should call everyone I know and tell them how much I love them (just in case).End of the World 2012

I'm glad it didn't end, hubby and I had a party on Friday night (all that preparation would have gone to waste).  Anyway, it was a nice party (quite a small one with 17 people), but it was nice.  I named it, 'Show and Tell, Christmas Party', although my friends didn't bring their pets, they brought their parents. Many parents are visiting their offspring this week, due to the Christmas holidays, and it was just a coincidence that everyone we invited brought their parents.   Perhaps I should make it an annual thing.

It was a very pleasant night (hubby spent most of the day preparing), my friend made the mulled wine and I was designated to making the house look nice lol (typical).  The only things missing were my mum and dad (didn't seem right without them, what a shame!).

Last week we had a couple of days of rain in the UAE.  It was 18 degrees and pouring down.  I even had to have my car heater on use the windscreen wipers again (that's about 4 times this year!).  Unfortunately, it is quite bad here when it rains as people just seem to forget how to drive.  In one day it was reported that there was 630 road accidents in Dubai and Abu Dhabi because of the rain (not good!).

Last night something weird happened whilst we were sleeping.  Honestly, I've never been so scared in my life.  We were fast asleep, when suddenly I heard some very loud music coming from somewhere in the house.  I knew my son had been watching TV in his bedroom, so I thought may be the film finished and the credits were playing.

I went into his bedroom and I was right the credits were playing but the sound was very low.  However, we could both hear really loud music coming from downstairs (it sounded like choirboys singing).  I ran downstairs to see what was happening but couldn't find where the music was coming from.  We have Apple TV and I thought perhaps it had turned itself on somehow, but nothing, it was dead!  Then suddenly the music stopped!  I couldn't understand it and began to start panicking. 

The patio door windows were steamed up and I started to think I was going to see a face peering in (I know, my imagination runs away with me sometimes).  Anyway, I went back up to bed and couldn't sleep, then about 10 minutes later I received an email on my phone saying 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)'.  But what I couldn't understand was that I hadn't tried to send an email and especially from my Ipad (OMG it was too weird).

Needless to say it took me ages to get back to sleep (I was beginning the think I might have to call Ghost Busters in).  Then about 3.30 am, we heard more music!  This time, I woke my hubby up straight away and we both went downstairs to see what was going on.   We realised the music was coming from my Ipad.  Honestly, I could have died, the music was coming from a Christmas App I had downloaded a few days before (what a geek I am!), but it was just so weird how it came on by itself and how it was so loud.  We presumed the first lot of music also came from the App (let's hope so).

Anyway, all is well in the household now and I just want to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and I hope Santa brings you everything you want.

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