Monday, December 17, 2012

Secret Santa has been revealed

After going through the shock of our boss 'leaving' the company 2 weeks ago, last week our team were 'encouraged' to join in the Secret Santa celebrations.  Well, although none of us were actually in the mood to do it, we did, and to be honest we all made a pretty damn good effort.  In the past, other Secret Santas I have done have just been for one day, but no, this one went on all week!  We had to buy a gift every day for a week (for someone we hardly know).

Needless to say, I ended up having to buy gifts for some extremely quiet man that I've probably spoken to about 5 times in as many years.  However, I made an effort and bought him some nice gifts (I didn't want to let the side down lol).  I even spent 2.5 hours one day looking for Santa socks and a Santa tie (and that was after sending my hubby out for about 2 hours before that, bless him).  But there was none to be seen, I couldn't believe it, but again I ended up with some nice things (A Chocolate Santa and Elf, Christmas Mug, Candles, 2013 calendar and large box of biscuits).

My Secret Santa on the other hand has been nominated the worse ever Secret Santa by myself, my team and half the department lol (now I feel bad for putting that but honestly it's true).

Day 1: Half eaten bag of mini dunkin doughnuts
Day 2: A kitkat and twix (not even wrapped)
Day 3: 3 breakfast cereal bars and a mini box of cereals (in a brown envelope),
Day 4: A pink cow money box, (Jesus I'm not 6), plus another 2 cereal bars (again all unwrapped) 
Day 5: 2 large white vases (completely different from each other and wrapped up in the shop brown paper)

Honestly, if you're not going to make an effort, then don't join in.  The guy clearly was not interested and is definitely has no spirit of Christmas, apart from the last day, he obviously either took my gifts out of his cupboard at home or bought them on the way to work via the petrol station.  May be next year I should buy hime the Secret Santa Gift Guide!

Someone who is looking forward to Christmas is Charlie, here he is in his lovely little reindeer outfit, getting ready for the celebrations.

Over the week hubby and I have spoken to my mum, son and a number of our friends back home, on skype (it's always great to speak with them).
 On Thursday night my hubby went out with the guys from work for Christmas.  I on the other hand, went out with some friends to a charity do.  'Jappo's Road to Recovery"  It was all in aid of a friend of some of my friends who about 6 weeks ago was knocked down by a car as he was crossing the street.  The poor guy is in a coma and has head traumas and to top it all his wife is 7 months pregnant with twins (god and I think I've got things to whinge about sometimes).  

Anyway, it was a great night and I believe a lot of money was raised (but not sure how much yet) to help with medical care and care for his lovely wife and babies.   Everyone put their hands in their pockets and bought raffle tickets, bid in the auction and bet on the horse racing (not sure I'm allowed to say bet, officially it wasn't betting but I'm sure you know what I mean).  One of the funniest points of the night though was when the sound didn't work on the horse racing so my friend's hubby did an hysterical version of horse racing commentary.  He had everyone is stiches. 
On Friday we both went to our friends/neighbours house party 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'.  It was again really good fun and our hosts had made a massive effort for all their guests with festive food, mulled wine, Christmas songs and games (can't wait for next year lol).
One final thing, is that I've had a go at growing tomato plants over the last few months.  I've been really proud of them as I watched them grow from tiny seeds to full grown (almost ripe) tomatoes.  I've been watching one in particular that only had 2 or 3 days left to go before I could pick it.  But, yesterday my hubby found the bloody thing, half eaten (I was gutted), we think a gekko decided to have a go and by the looks of its remains whatever did eat it obviously enjoyed it! 

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