Thursday, March 1, 2012

Newbie Blogger

Hi everyone this is my first blog, inspired by my beautiful, witty and creative niece Billie. She's been writing blogs about her dieting disasters for a couple of months and they're a great hit! God only knows why she's constantly trying to lose weight, she's about 6 stone wet through.

Anyway, as most of my close friends know I have been attempting to write a book for the past 18 months or so. And very much like Billie, I have huge bursts of motivation and can write for weeks (well days) and then I lose it again. 

I got the inspiration of writing a book from my mother. As an ex publican, she always siad she could write book with all the strange and wonderful characters she'd met over the years.

I am wondering now if I should hold back on the book, not sure what my parents or my kids would think lol.  There's always loads going on in my life without having to rake up the past.

So here I am currently sat in a hotel room in Jeddah, in KSA (am here on business but flying back home tomorrow).  Home being Dubai in the UAE. Yes a far cry (and a little warmer) than the cold and damp streets on Hull, UK.  However at this moment in time I'd love to be back there at least I can get and drink, I'd murder for a lager and black just now.

It's taken me forever to set up this blog, everytime I tried to do it, the bloody page turned to Arabic! Would you believe at? After about 2 hours of playing pin the tail on the donkey, I managed to sort it out.

Anyway, think that's enough for one day (not sure if I've written too much already), my writing is a bit like my talking I never know when to stop.

Bye for now Mandyb

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