Thursday, March 29, 2012

All packed up and ready to go

Hubby and I have now packed our cases ready for our big trip tomorrow.  It seemed strange unpacking my new swimsuits and replacing them with my salopettes and silks.  I was so excited to see my moon boots resurface from storage.  I love them so much.  Last year when we skied in Austria, I was gutted that I'd left them at home by mistake.  But I was determined not to forget them this year and they're all packed and ready to go.
Ugg boots (but mine are fawn)
My new scarf
I've also got my Ugg boots ready (I love those too!).  You've got to remember, I wear flip flops about 95% of my life now, so its great to put on a lovely pair of socks and warm boots.  My hubby thought I was mad when I bought them at Christmas time, insisting I'd never wear them.  How wrong was he?  Actually, I've worn them quite a bit as it's been a bit nippy this winter.  I also bought a scarf with a hood and pockets in the bottom of the scarf.  God only knows at the time why I bought it. I just saw it and fell in love with it.  (Again, my hubby thought I'd gone insane lol).   But he's not laughing now, I'll be snug as a bug in a rug.  Anyway, I bought my Ugg boots from Karama Market.
For people that don't know Karama Market, is very famous for people who want very cheap clothes, shirts, shorts, sunglasses, watches, shoes, perfumes and souvenirs. Needless to say most of the goods are fake, but that are actually quite good quality and cheap if you can be bothered to haggle with the men in the shops. Most of the store owners are either Indian or Pakistani and they are usually really friendly. There are some men who are a bit pushy trying to get you to go into their shops, but most of the time if you say no, they accept it (believe me I've seen a lot worse).  
I have taken loads of visitors there in the past usually to trawl through the massive range of handbags and come out with a hand full.  I don't as its more than my job's worth to have fake handbags.  I remember the first time I took my oldest son there, he was amazed at all the secret rooms they have in the shops.  One minute you're in the shop floor, the next a whole shelf is moved and a secret door is revealed, which then opens into another smaller room.  James thought it was great and kept expecting Harry Potter to pop out from one of the rooms.
After we packed we spoke to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law on Skype who are now back in the UK :(  We also spoke to two of our really good friends on Skype.  We haven't spoken to them for quite a while as they've recently had a loss in the family which is very sad.  We spoke for quite a while and it was good to catch up.  We all complained too much about getting older and how we should live life to the full now rather than waiting to retire. I totally agree with it, again life is far to short to have regrets.  
It's actually 4 weeks today since I started my blog.  I've really enjoyed it and have had some good feedback from people.  So I will continue (it's become a bit addictive).  I'm not sure when or where I will be when I blog, but I will try my best.... Watch this space!

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