Monday, March 19, 2012

Mother's Day blues

I am in a bit of a state as today is the day my son leaves for his new life in Thailand. I've been keeping myself busy and trying not to think of it, but I'm finding it really hard to concentrate on anything and that's before I get to work.  I can imagine I'm going to be about as much use as a chocolate fire guard today but lets see.

James and I about
18 months ago
Yesterday, I was tired all day after having a very busy weekend.  Work kept me busy and my guests entertained themselves by visiting Wild Wadi Water Park. I didn't think it was actually water park weather, as there was a small sand storm most of the afternoon and then the fog crept in.  They did however, reassure me that any weather is better than the weather in the UK at the moment, and it was just nice to be outside in the warmth.

Also it was Mother's day and I was pleasantly surprised to have received a card from my eldest James.  The message on the front said 'On Mother's Day the family cleaned, cooked, tidied and waited on Mum hand and foot .....' inside the card read 'then she woke up'  which made me laugh.  It's the first card I've had for a few years and probably will be the last till god knows when.  My youngest Chris usually remembers even it's half way through the day.  So when we both got in from work he presented me with a lovely little bunch of flowers and a card.

My sis-in-law brought her cards from my niece and nephews and we called my mother-in-law to wish her a happy mother's day.  I was pleased as she liked the card and flowers we'd sent her and was happy that I'd made the effort to send her a personalised card from   My mum was on holiday in Tenerife with some of my family so, hopefully she will receive her card and flowers today and I'll call her later.

Unfortunately, James has been having trouble sleeping (see his blog and you'll understand why) He's been turning night into day, sleeping all day and staying awake all night, wondering what his future holds.  He didn't actually spend his last full day with us as he was in bed :( .  We also spent some time relaxing on the balcony chatting quietly and putting the world to rights.

So we're back to here and now, needless say I have just said my last goodbyes to James.  My hubby is taking him and his friend to the airport later tonight whilst me and the sis-in-law go for a pampering session at a Moroccan bath (it has been booked for a good few weeks and couldn't be cancelled).  Anyway, I think it's best as I'm finding it hard not to cry now, never mind take him to the airport and come away blubbering my head off. 

I know this new chapter in his life will be good for him, but I've got a lump in my throat whenever I think of him leaving Dubai as I have no idea when I will see him again.  On the outside I am being positive and brave but on the inside my heart is already breaking, but whatever he does, wherever he goes, we'll be here for him and we wish him well on his journey.  

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