Sunday, March 4, 2012

No More Couch Potato

Since I got off the plane in the early hours of Friday morning, I've had a stinking cold.  I don't suppose falling into a Marina, a few hours later fully clothed helped matters.  For two days now I've been laid on the settee like a couch potato, with a sore, blocked nose, sneezing every five minutes and nursing my post-marina war wounds.

So, after calling in sick and spending most of today on the couch again, I thought I should make a move and start my diet and exercise regime again. 

At the beginning of the year, like millions of other people around the world, my New Year's Resolution was to lose weight.  I have a number of special occasions happening this year all of which I want to be slim and fit for, the first one being a holiday to the Maldives at the end of this month.

Unfortunately, I'm one of these people who is ALWAYS on a diet.  You name it, I've done it!  Weight watchers, Slimming World, Dukan, Atkins, Cabbage Diet, Hypnotherapy, look at food and get fat diet, everything! 
I did really well for the whole of January, which is great, as I normally do about 2 weeks before it goes pop.  Anyway, one of my first goals this year was to run the 10KM in this year's Dubai Marathon, which I am very proud to say I did without having a heart attack and in a reasonable (ish) time.  So determined was I that my Christmas present request to my husband was a treadmill.

Before I dusted off the cob webs!
I also bought a skipping rope, weights, an exercise mat, a pink exercise ball, a stepper and some strange elastic strap things that I'm still unsure what to do with, and for a month my bedroom closely resembled a gym.  The race came and went and now the gym is no longer and my lovely treadmill is a huge clothes hanger in the corner of the room collecting cob webs.
However, today I realised I only have 27 days left before my long awaited holiday, and I better at least try to do something about this unwanted fat which lies around my mid drift.   So, I put an episode of Celebrity Juice on the TV and spent the next 30 minutes huffing and puffing like a woman possessed.  The other pieces of exercise equipment stayed stagnant, one step at a time, I say, gotta take it easy at my age. 

Although I only did 30 mins, I feel pretty positive, 30 mins a day for the next few weeks should help a little at least.  But I've got to stay committed and that's my problem. 
It's my birthday at the weekend and we already have a number of things planned to celebrate (should I still be celebrating at 46?), the first one being a Duran Duran concert on Thursday night.  The last time I saw them I was 16 and a massive fan, although if you leave it 30 years between gigs does that really class you as a 'massive' fan?  

I also have my son and his friend staying, before they embark on a working trip to Thailand and next week I have my sister-in-law and brother-in-law visiting from the UK and already the diary is full :)
Oh well, let's see how it goes, I'll just have to have double helpings of Paul McKenna 'I can make you thin!'

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