Monday, April 2, 2012

Far too risky to ski

Unfortunately, our holiday hasn't started off great. We're here in one of the skiing capitals of the world and we can't ski. My poor hubby is not very well. Although he had a lovely meal last night, we think the prawns may not have agreed with him and he's been up all night on the loo. Bless him, he was so looking forward to the skiing but at the moment he's going no where, we both thought it was far too risky for him to ski today.

This morning I went to the chemist and bought all sorts to bung him up, he's been in and out of sleep all morning. At lunch time I did persuade him to venture out for a little while (there are only so many times you can play bejewelled or angry birds before going in sane). Anyway, the snow had stopped and we went for a little walk, hoping the fresh air would do him some good. We even managed to go onto the blackcomb gondola to the first level but that was enough. The snow is fantastic at the moment, so thick and crispy, no ice in sight. The air is so fresh and the scenery is breathtaking. It was like torture on the piste not being able to ski down the slope. But never mind it'll still be there tomorrow. 

We ventured a little further around the village until we came to a small bistro called 'the little eatery at celebration plaza'. Outside the Olympic sign stands proud to remind people that Whistler hosted the 21st winter Olympics in 2010. Almost every man woman and child that passed it couldn't resist posing on it for a photo. Needless to say, I'm sure we will as well by the end of the week when hubby is feeling better. It's a lovely place, very new with some massive hotels, loads of bars, shops and restaurants. It's quite a contrast to all the other places we've skied in, just holding my breath till tomorrow. Watch this space.

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