Friday, April 20, 2012

Mission Possible - PMA

Good morning everyone, as mentioned in my last blog, I decided not to write as frequently.  However it's Friday and it's the weekend so I thought I give you a little catch-up of what's been happening this week.

I actually started writing this blog at 3:00 am when my hubby and I were woken up by a phone call.   I had just got back in bed after being to the loo, started to nod back off, when I thought my hubby had started snoring.  There I was poking him in his side asking him very politely to stop snoring when we realised the noise was coming from his phone which was on vibrate. 

My step-son James (yes, yes, my son is James too, it gets confusing) was shall we say a little worse for wear, but I managed to understand him.  Basically he said there had been an accident outside the entrance to our compound and the police had blocked the entrance off.  Therefore, him and his girlfriend were walking home and would be back in a few minutes.  However, that few minutes turned into 10, then 15, then 20 minutes.  We called him back and got the impression they were lost.  With that, my hubby went out looking for them both.  Almost 40 mins later my hubby arrived back with them, both a little drunk, very hot and thankful for being saved, (I think they thought they were lost in the Sahara desert somewhere not our estate lol).
Whilst I sit and waited for their return, I read my son's most recent blog in which has declared his true feelings about a long time friend of his.  I sent him a message asking him if I should buy another hat (as you know I already have 3 wedding outfits).  No, joking apart, I understand the girl in mind has been a rock for him over the past few years but may be it's a little too soon after his recent 'heartbreak'.  Anyway, I'm not one to give advice on relationships so I'll leave it to him.  On a second note he seems to be loving Thailand and once he gets back to full health (after having a bout of 'Dengi fever') he'll be up and running diving again.

Good news today!  I've lost 4 lbs in weight in 6 days (yipee!).  Yes, I set out on a mission last week on the return from my vacation to lose weight for the wedding.  I am very happy to stay I stuck to the mission.  With the help of Mr Paul McKenna (I can make you thin - hypnotherapy CD) which I have listened to twice a day, and EVERY morning BEFORE work (I know, I know, shock, horror), I have walked/jogged for 45 minutes on my treadmill - whilst watching episodes of 'Cold Feet'.  So, now I'm averaging on about 9,000 steps a day instead of 2,500 which I think is a great improvement.

It's been great and I definately believe in PMA, having a Positive Mental Attitude.  Once I got into the routine I'm finding it very motivating to actually exercise in the morning, then it leaves me time in the evenings for other things (probably going to bed early to make up for the early mornings lol).  I'm also completing the 'I can make you thin' journal which I have on my Ipad  and have a hard copy of which is also full of inspirational quotes and tips.

So, I've decided that Fridays are going to be my weigh in days and my days off from exercise (not Paul McKenna).  We are about to go for a 'Friday Brunch' with our friends.  But, I'm not worried as I will Eat when I'm hungry', 'Eat what I want, 'Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful' and will 'Stop when I'm full' (the 4 Golden Rules of Paul McKenna).

I did speak to my mum again on Skype last night who said she's lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks on the hCG diet (remember the one where you have to inject yourself with a pregnancy hormone and have 500 calories a day).  It's great for my mum but I'm not convinced it's the way I should go, I want to do it the healthy way.  (However, I'm not ruling it out, if it gets nearer to the wedding and nothing drastic has changed I might give it a go lol).

I've been on Skype again twice with my mum and dad this week and once with two of our best friends (who I miss dreadfully).  I just love Skype!  It is such a great way to communicate.  Last night my nieces' children where at my mum's house (they are aged 3 and 2). As you can imagine they are a bit of a handful.  It was great to see them and speak to them and fantastic that they know us even though we've only actually physically met them 3 or 4 times in all of their lives.

My dad was getting a little stressed with the children (but in a nice way) and mum was telling him off (lol).  It was funny, watching and listening to them all whilst we sat back and waited to continue our conversation.  Dad was pulling faces and saying 'it's alright for you lot', whilst we laughed, bless him.  At 75, I think I might be a little stressed with small children.

Anyway, time to get ready for brunch, so I'll love you and leave you for now.  Part 2 of this week's catch-up will come tomorrow.  However, in the meantime, even though brunch is very close to a marina, I promise to keep dry!

Until tomorrow.

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