Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thighs of steel

Today saw the last day of our skiing in Whistler, we are all packed up and ready to head off back to Vancouver tomorrow morning where we will stay for a few days and spend some time sight seeing. It is always sad to say goodbye to the snowy mountains as we never know when we will ski again. Overall the weather has been great and skiing conditions fabulous. Today however it was starting to get a little icy in some places which made it a bit difficult at some times.

A number of times I was flying down the mountain looking at my hubby thinking 'I'll stop in a minute', then found myself whizzing past him pretending I wanted to go further, unbeknown to him, I was having a Bridget Jones moment and I couldn't stop myself. But mostly I am quite pleased with my performance, it started off a bit dodgy with a few falls but once I found my feet I was fine. Unfortunately some unlucky soul wasn't as lucky, as today we heard of a snowboarder being killed on the mountain on Wednesday, god bless him.

I'm quite surprised I did so well, as I feel so fat it's unbelievable. How can you do all that exercise and still not lose a pound? (not that I've weighed myself, I haven't I just know I've put weight on and feel crap). However, I have got thighs like steel at the moment and even though I have quite muscly arms I'm annoyed that my bingo wings don't seem to have gone down at all (why's that then?).

I'm already thinking about when I get home and start my diet and exercise regime (which I will stick to). Even my hubby has been ordered (yes ordered) to go on a diet when we get back ready for his daughter's wedding in August. Some of our very best friends call my hubby Wallace, from Wallace and Gromit, because of his big chubby cheeks. Lol, at this moment his has double cheeks, Wallace needs to diet!

Anyway, until the end of our holidays we are both already trying to cut down. Have you seen the sizes of the portions of food in restaurants here? They are massive!! What I want to know is why to places charge so much and serve massive portions just for people to leave? (what a waste). So until tomorrow, signing off from Whistler, Vancouver.

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