Saturday, June 30, 2012

Back in the bosom of the family

Well the weekend is almost over for us here in sunny Dubai and it seems to have been a long week. Loads of things have happened.
We finally had to give in to Charlie and leave his door open for him on a night time. Honestly it was like having a new born in the house again, waking me up every half an hour. I was waking up more tired then I'd gone to sleep. Anyway, now he seems happy to go into his bed but have the door open (I'm not bothered as long as he keeps quiet throughout the night).
So James is now back in the bosom of my family in Hull, UK. I was really happy when one of my auntie's took some photos of him with my mum and dad and posted them on facebook. He looks really well (although a bit thinner than the last time I saw him). But everyone was happy to see him and my mum was over the moon. It was also great as one of my auntie's has never actually met him and the other one last saw him when he was about 7 (I think). It made my day and brought a tear to my eyes.
Anyway, he's back there for the time being. Apart from a gammie leg (thanks for the mozzies) he also left Thailand with his first tattoo. It says 'perspective is everything' in Thai on his forearm, it looks pretty cool to be honest and he's a very philosophical young man, so it suits him down to the ground. So happy we're gonna catch up next month.
The fitness regime has gone pretty well this week. I've done a combination of treadmill and/or walking Charlie around the lake (which is just around the corner from us - it's fab). I've even managed to get my hubby to walk with me. Charlie loves it, however, he is a house dog and therefore gets half way around the lake and his little legs start to pack up lol, but he's getting there and he's enjoying chasing the bird and looking at the little ducklings on the water with their parents.
So, loads of exercise and hardly any carbs (weigh in day tomorrow, so fingers crossed).
Unfortunately, (for the diet anyway), I have had a few drinks due to fact that were out most of the weekend. My hubby and I went out with some friends on Thursday night to the Dhow and Anchor in the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, which was really pleasant. Then after our meal we took the golf buggy to Mina Salam and one of our favourite places to visit, the Bahari bar. The people are new to Dubai so we put on our tour guide hat on for the night.
Then yesterday afternoon we had lunch with our friends in Dubliner's at Le Meridien Village (however, no alcohol was consumed by me). I had to keep my head for a pending visit to Dragon Mart. Oh my god, that place is massive and sells everything. We needed a pair of curtain to match some we had made there about 8 months ago. But needless to say, no one had exactly the right material so we compromised and got something very similar (it's only for a very small window and nobody will know apart from hubby and I).
Anyway, after about an hour we'd had enough and thought we were going to leave with no ankles as it seemed like every person pushing a pram were ramming them into us. The place was mobbed and we needed to get out and quick.
Last night we went to Media One hotel for Friday evening brunch. It was a great night and we had the chance to catch up with some people we haven't seen for ages. Later on we popped into our friends for a night cap and she showed us her lovely wedding photographs. They were amazing and they both looked fantastic.
Today I've had two trips to the dentist. One at 9 am to check out the mock up teeth he'd done for me and then again at 1pm to have my temporary caps put in. OMG I was there for over 3.5 hrs. It was ok, but as I've said before I get in the chair then start to panic. I suddenly worried that the dentist might slip with the drill, or I was gonna choke on my own tongue. At some points I kept imagining scenes from the SAW films and thought I was gonna be maimed for life.
However, I came out of safe and sound and am now the proud owner of 8 temporary capped teeth. They look pretty good; the dentist has made a great job. Although for what the cost, I should hope they do look good. My hubby was very impressed; however, my youngest just looked a shrugged and said, 'what am I looking at?' (typical, don't kids notice anything?). Anyway, hopefully my permanent ones will be ready by next weekend, looking forward to that.

Finally, I've just had a lovely conversation with one of my very good friends on Skype.  It's always lovely to talk to him and really looking forward to seeing him and his lovely wife in August.

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