Sunday, June 17, 2012

Football and Laughter

Happy Father's Day everyone!  Wishing all the father's out there a fabulous day and sending my love to both my lovely dad and my father-in-law and can't wait to see them in 6 weeks.  

Up until about 30 minutes ago I was really happy but now I've just realised something and it's really upset me (but until I find out the full story I will try to remain positive). 

We're having a public holiday today in the UAE so no work today (it's always great to have a long weekend).  The new house is coming together nicely and we've already had a number of visitors and BBQs which is fab (we're really enjoying the outside space).  Unfortunately though the pool has a hole in it lol and my poor hubby has tried about 3 patches to sort it out (think he's getting there with it now though so it should be in full working order soon). 

I've been to the dentist twice this week and I am very happy with the outcome.  He took out 3 silver/grey fillings I've had since I was about 10 years old and replaced them with white ones.  It was not only done for cosmetic reasons but because he said they were decaying underneath the filling (OMG I couldn't believe how bad they were), but he's really sorted them out.  I'm not really afraid of dentists (god job since I practically seem to be living there at the moment), but I do get the odd panic attack every now and then, especially when you've got one person digging and drilling at one side of you and another person stood with a pipe in your mouth sucking out all the liquid to keep it dry.  I start to think I'm going to choke to death and panic until I'm able to swallow.  Anyway it's always really nice to leave the place.

There were 2 massive accidents on SZR this week both within about a kilometre from each other and both had happened not long before I drove passed (there was still dust and bits of car flying in the air of one of the accidents) I literally just managed to avoid it and to be honest its shook me up a bit and made me a little nervous on the roads again.

My leg is almost better now and I've now set up my treadmill in the house so, think I'm going to get back to it today.   However, the diet has gone completely out of the window since we moved.  This Friday we are having a house warming party and after that I will be going for it hell for leather as it'll only be 5 weeks before the wedding and our trip back to the UK.

Thursday night hubby and I went out separately with friends (not something we do very often but it was actually quite nice for a change).  My hubby went to watch 3 comedians at the Laughter Factory in the Millennium hotel, and I went around the corner to the Media Rotana hotel with some friends for dinner (then went to a club).  We had a really nice night and am pleased to say there were no dramas lol.  Although we bumped into a friend of ours and when he introduced his friend to us, he said "Oh this is the lady I was telling you about who fell in the Marina" (great he guy knew me before he'd even met me lol).

Friday hubby and I visited my favourite jewellers with a friend (no I never bought anything this time, I restrained myself lol).  My friend wanted so advice so we went with her.  Afterwards the 4 our us went to the comedy club (yes the same one my hubby had seen the night before).  Bless him, we'd sort of double booked so he had to see the show twice but it was fine and he enjoyed the show just as much the second time round.  Afterwards we went into the Belgian bar and watched the second half of the England match against Sweden.  OMG I actually do not like football one bit but I was actually enjoying it (what's all that about then?).   Anyway it was a great win for them and I wish them all the best for the rest of the tournament.

My son in Thailand has finally restarted his diving course and is doing very well on it apparently, which is good news.  But I'm finding it really hard not to be able to speak to him when I can.  It's the rainy season in Thailand and when it rains they lose electricity and seem to be cut off from the rest of the world (which is not good for worried parents, especially as I know he's had food poisoning again this week). But I have managed to speak to him within the last couple of days which is good.

Yesterday hubby and I went for a massage at Al Badia golf club (it was purchased from Groupon).  The massage was lovely and afterwards we had lunch in the sports bar over looking the golf course.  Hubby and I actually used to play golf in the UK but it's so warm here we've only ever done it twice.  Yesterday it was 49 degrees (far to hot for a round of golf).

Well, that's it for now, massive busy week ahead of me at work but looking forward to the party on Friday.  Have a great Father's day everyone!

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