Monday, August 13, 2012

Love, Honour and Obey and the Pride of Hull

Good morning from Great Britain! What a wonderful few weeks we've had with the 2012 Olympic games.  GB achieved 65 medals in total including 29 Gold medals.  The pride of Hull (my home town) is boxer Luke Campbell who is bringing a gold medal back home to Hull (well done lad).  We've even had a telephone box and post box painted gold in his honour (well not we, Hull lol). 
I'm not really a big sports fan but it's hard not to watch and join in all the excitement, it's been great and I'm very proud to be British.  Well done to everyone for all the hard work and dedication they've put into this, including Luke Campbell (of course),  Anthony Joshua, Helen Glover and Heather Stanning, Rebecca Adlington, Bradley Wiggins, James Gill, Andy Murray, Mo Farah, Jessica Ennis to name but a few.
So, hubby and I are half way through our holiday and will be back on the plane to Dubai on Sunday.  It's been an extremely busy week, especially with all the run up to my beautiful step daughter's wedding.  We've visited and spent time with many family members and friends, and after Saturday our family was 'officially' extended and we welcomed our handsome new son-in-law into our home (along with his lovely family).
Last Wednesday was my mother-in-laws birthday and we celebrated with a family meal in a local eatery.  Unfortunately however, (as with almost every family I know) our relationship with my brother-in-law and his wife isn't great and they did everything possible to make me feel uncomfortable (basically they didn't speak and turned their heads away from me everytime I tried to speak), which is not good when my lovely mother and father-in-law were oblivious and thought everything was hunky dory.  Anyway, I remained calm and dealt with it with maturity (even though I was very upset and wanted the ground to swallow me up).  My hubby knew what was going on, but again its difficult when we're trying to please parents.

The next day we had the wedding practice at the church.  I had been dreading this for weeks and at one point wasn't going to go to the practice as I wasn't part of the 'wedding party'.  However, I wanted to support my hubby as he would be facing his ex-wife and his middle daughter (who hasn't spoken to him for many years).  So, you can imagine I was a nervous wreck but in true form my hubby was strong and confident.

All went extremely well, even when my son-in-law introduced my hubby's ex-wife as me!  OMG can you imagine, he'd already introduced me to the vicar then went down the queue and approach the ex and said. "this is Mandy, Lizzi's mum!".   Needless to say, again I wanted the ground open up and swallow me up.  Luckily everyone including the ex laughed and it broke the ice.

Friday I had lunch with my step-daughter and her mother-in-law, my lovely sister-in-law and my best friend.  It was lovely, we had a very nice afternoon whilst the men spent the afternoon at the driving range and then in the pub (lol). 

I was still extremely nervous about the big day (as most of my family and friends know about my fears and worries, sorry everyone).  I just wanted everything to go smoothly for the bride and groom.  I was even worried about the weather, but luckily enough the sun shone and the whole day was beautiful in many ways.

The bride was absolutely stunning and the groom so handsome. It was great to have my lovely sons with me too! My dress (one of three) looked good and thanks to everyone for the lovely comments.  Luckily enough I did decide at last minute to hire a hat because I didn't like the original one I bought.  Anyway, I was very pleased with it.  We had a great afternoon and everyone from all sides showed maturity and decorum.    My hubby did a lovely speech (even though he was a little emotional, bless him).  Hubby and I (along with some of the other wedding party members), had a room at the hotel and managed to have a small rest in the afternoon before the night reception started.

With my parents being ex-publicans, I have seen a number of wedding receptions go wrong once the drink starts to flow and everyone suddenly forgets where they are.  Being aware of this we purposely remained sober and aware of our surroundings.  A number guests were ex-friends and family members who have been opinionated in the past hubby and I were not going to give them anything to talk about.

Finally, we had breakfast in the hotel the next morning with the bride and groom and the extended families, again all went well and I am very pleased (and releived).  I am a little sad though that my hubby has not managed to make up with his other daughter.  It was good to see her, but no bridges were built.  However, the week is not over and we all live in hope, let's see.  In the meantime, I wish my wonderful, beautiful step-daughter and hubby and fantastic life together!

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