Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cest La Vie - Such is Life

Yesterday I also had the chance to Skype with my friend who has just lost her husband (my lovely friend Dave).  Honestly, I am so proud of her, she is a pillar of strength at the moment and is coping remarkably well.  Whilst I was in Saudi last week, I managed to hold it in for a while, but as soon as I got back at home with my family, I just fell to pieces.  Losing someone so close to me has made me really appreciate what I have and I value every moment we all have together (husband, kids, family and great friends).  I am learning that the grievance process is a strange thing, one minute you're fine the next you're in tears.  But I know if my friend can be strong, so can I, we all need to remember all the good times we had over the past 10 years and smile back at the memories we have.

I have also decided that I am not going to let people or work get me down and I'm going to more confident when making decisions, (you just never know what is around the corner).   Last week in my class on of my 'classmates' referred back to people who are not academic as 'sub-human beings' (what the hell is all that about?).  Honestly I could have wiped the floor with her, but Cest la vie.  I just can't be bothered, life is too short, if that's what she wants to believe than so what!  One thing for sure is she won't be on my Christmas card list this year lol.

Another person who won't be on my Christmas card list is someone I work with in KSA.  This is the conversation that we had last week:

Him - Mandy can I ask you something? You might not like it, but can I ask anyway?
Me - May be you shouldn't ask me then
Him - Have you put weight on? Yes, I think you have! Especially in the face!

Not what I wanted to hear (at any time - but especially then).  I think he needs a few lessons on diplomacy!  When he tried to apologise the next day (only after he'd been advised to), I told him I didn't accept his apology and that I didn't care if I was 20 stone, I was more worried and upset about burying my friend that how much I weighed! (needless to say he was dumbstruck, ha!)

A few weekends ago we ventured to Wild Wadi Water park.  After living here for over 5 years its only my third visit.  I was actually very excited as I got closer to the entrance and felt like I was on holiday in Disneyland or something.  Hubby and I went with our friends and the four of us had a really good afternoon.  We found a really good place to sunbathe (just far enough away from the kids lol) and then spent the afternoon doing a combination of sunbathing and going on the water slides.  It's amazing that the park in practically on our doorstep but we hardly ever venture there.

One other thing that amazes me is the hundreds of different shapes and sizes of everyone and in particular the swimming attire of the women.  Honesty, it goes from the sublime to the extreme.  On one hand there are women there with almost absolutely nothing on (2 handkerchiefs covering their nipples and another one for their privates) to women wearing Abaya's with gloves, veils, the lot (needless to say you don't normally see these women in the water). 

Recently our neighbours had a couple of trees pulled down from the garden.  Each one was between about 50 - 70 foot high.  The neighbours next door complained and said if anything was broken they would call the police (what's all that about then?). Yes, get them to foot the bill but not call the police its their job for god sake.

Winter has arrived in the UAE and honestly our office is really cold some days, this is usually because someone keeps leaving the air conditioning on.  Anyway, whilst I was back in the UK  I purchase a number of thick black tights to wear in the office.  People think I'm mad but they've worked a treat! 

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