Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween, Australia and Fine Dining

Happy Halloween everyone (well I know it's a bit late but wanted to say it anyway).  It's strange, we've lived in the Middle East for over 5 years and this is the first time we've really seen children 'Trick or Treating'.  I think it's due to the fact that we've always lived in apartments before now.  Anyway,  this year we were not prepared at all! 
Also what you've got to remember is my youngest is 21, it's a long time since I had to turn my little ones into skeletons and mummies.  All of us were shocked to have our front door almost knocked of its hinges on Wednesday night.  I got home to find my hubby in the garden with all the house lights off, and when another the next knock at the door came, my son thought it would be funny to shout 'Bugger Off' at the top of his voice.  Basically we were embarrassed because we never had any sweets or small change to give to the kiddies for making an effort.  Anyway, hubby soon went out to shop and brought back loads of sweets ready for the next batch to knock at the door (but by then it was too late and they'd all gone home).  OMG how bad are we?  We will definitely be more prepared next year!
I did laugh though, when my son then preceded to go out 'trick or treating' with his friends (oh yes and their 10 year old brother - hmmm, that old excuse, it works every time!)  I couldn't actually believe that people would give them anything, but they came back with a bundle of treats!
On the other hand I was very impressed with some of my friends and family members who seemed to make a big effort for Halloween.  It was great to see some of the photos on face book.  My niece had a party and seemed to have made an extra effort with  her makeup, it was fabulous, (scary, but great).  I was very impressed.

So my main news this week is my oldest son is coming back to Dubai (and I can't wait).  He's back to full health now and still looking for work as a diving instructor.  Unfortunately at the moment nothing concrete has come up so he's coming back here for a while.  Which suits me fine, at least I get to spend some time with him until he's off on his travels again.  And it's been great of my sis and my niece to put him up for all this time.
Yesterday friends of ours went to Yas Island in Abu Dhabi to watch the first day of the Formula 1.  (it was a birthday pressie from wife to hubby), which is great because she's not exactly an F1 fan.  Anyway, along with the tickets came additional after race concert tickets in which were invited to watch Kylie Minogue in concert.  
I've always loved Kylie ever since I grew up watching her and Jason Donovan in Neighbours.  However, after the last time we went to Yas Island (Madonna gig in May), I was a little apprehensive.  But it was a great night, she started on time (which is a first for anyone here), did an hour and half of both old and new songs, was very sophisticated, and entertained the crowd with her charm and charisma.  (So much more refined then Madonna - who you can probably guess has gone down in my estimation since May).  Anyway, overall it was a great night and I am really pleased we were invited.  She played Dubai a few years ago but I had to give my ticket away as I was on business.

Also yesterday we managed to connect with my hubby's cousin and his wife on Skype (well sort of, they couldn't see or hear us, but we could see and hear them) so it was a bit of talking and typing, but the messages got through.  They live are Australian, so when we said we were going to see Kylie, I think they were impressed.

Last Thursday we celebrated my friends birthday by booking a table at a restaurant called Table 9 by Nick and Scot in the Dubai Hilton Creek.  It used to be called 'Verre' by Gordan Ramsey and we've been twice before.  Nick and Scott were both trained by Gordan and worked with him for 8 years.  Last time we went (when it was Verre), hubby and I had won a competition to dine at the chef's table (and a night in the penthouse suite).  It was a great night (but then again it would when it's free).  Anyway, all I can say is that every time we go it gets better and better and I can highly recommend the pig's trotter (no, it doesn't arrive on the plate with the toe nails in tact).  It was delicious and the whole evening was fabulous and Gordan Ramsey was nowhere to be seen.

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