Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year, we are Family

Happy New Year, and welcome to my first blog for 2013! 

Sorry it's a little late but I've been extra busy for the past few weeks as I've had my niece and her friend visiting from the UK.

So, we had a good night on New Years Eve with ours friends (and some friends of friends) and spent the evening a very popular restaurant here called 'Yalumba' in Le Meridian Hotel.  We all enjoyed the evening as a whole, the food, drink, music, atmosphere etc (well, not sure about the German holiday makers, who joined us).  If truth be told though, I found this NYE very sad and spent a lot of time thinking of my recently deceased friend.

On 2nd Jan, we welcomed my niece and her friend into our home.  This visit was extra special as I have hardly spent any time with my niece since she was born.  This is not due to anything other than she was born and raised in Plymouth which is about 280 miles away from Hull and we didn't visit very often. 

Although, we have hardly spent any time with each other over the last 25 years, it was amazing how well we got on.  After just one day, her friend and my hubby were 'gob smacked' (sorry bit on Hull slang there), at how much we were alike and by the end of the 10 days they were convinced we were the same person (Well, we are family, lol).  This includes our sneezing, shoes, bling, bags and chewing straws.  We also love vouchers!  Vouchers are the key to happiness and affordable Dubai lifestyle (according to the girls).

The girls had a "chuffing good time" (one for the girls) and hubby and I have now been nominated as their adoptive parents (bless em).  They did the general touristy things including; visiting Dubai Mall, MOE, Ibn Battuta Mall, a desert safari, the laughter factory, visited the 'Walk' on JBR, went to the beach, did a dhow cruise (and lost a phone in the bottom of the creek), saw a show at DUCTAC (Dubai Community Theatre and Arts Centre), went to Karama market and hit and swore at a bouncer  at Jumeirah Beach Hotel (all in good fun lol).

They girls left on Saturday morning, and the house seems a little empty, but they've both promised to come back next year, and they are both very welcome (can't wait!).

On another subject, hubby and I have booked our next skiing holiday with a combination trip of Las Vegas, Banff and New York (YOLO).  Needless to say it calls for drastic action of exercise and diet. 

I now have a personal trainer!  Yes, that's right, as the Wii came back out on Christmas day (after about 2 years!) I've been working hard with my personal trainer on the Wii Active 30 day challenge.  And I've been using the treadmill (yes the cobwebs have been dusted off again) and I've been sticking as much as possible to 1200 calories a day.  I've lost a little bit of weight but nothing to shout home about at the moment.  But I'm remaining positive and trying as much as possible to stick to my new regime.

Finally, my son (the one in Sri Lanka) has unfortunately caught dengue fever (again!) and is currently in hospital.  I've spoken to him a number of times and luckily they seem to have caught it early.  However, I'm sending my love and PMA to him, and wishing he gets well soon.

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