Monday, March 26, 2012

The couch potatos are going skiing

Good morning all.  I was OK yesterday considering what had happened the day before. I tried to keep my mind busy with other things and obviously work helped. I got the girls in my office to give me a list of places to go for our holidays (not much time to organise everything).  They gave me options of the Philippines, Canada, Mauritius, the UK (obviously but not really much of a holiday for us) Africa and Thailand to name but a few.  I really couldn't decide and therefore left the decision till I got home after work.I managed to talk to James who has now settled in Phuket for a month. Needless to say, the battery on his phone is dodgy therefore no contact for a few days.    Anyway, we managed to chat through 'What's App' for a while and I was happy that he seems fine.  He did say, he wasn't over enthusiastic with all the Thai ladies and Lady Boys following him around and trying to touch his privates lol.  I did say, that he should be honored, they never followed my hubby around like that when we were there 18 months ago lol.  That didn't make him feel better.

I also spoke to some of my family on the phone.  It was great to hear them all and I just love it when my 3 year nephew (well the son of my niece) comes on the phone and chats away to me as if he last saw me yesterday, it always makes me smile.

So our mission last night was to find a holiday for Friday.  We started at about 7:00 pm and by 12:30 am it was all sorted.  It reminded me of the famous British Comedian Peter Kay joke about holidays abroad, 'Booked it, Packed it and F****d off'  It was as simple as that!

You may ask where we are going, and it can't be any different to our original plan of the Maldives.  Where were going there will be no swimsuits hiding my fat stomach, there'll probably be no swimsuits at all (unless in a lovely hot tub somewhere). I supposed I better repack my case.

We're actually going SKIING!  Yep, skiing. Obviously it's a little late in the season to go to Europe or Lebanon (which we did a couple of years ago).  So we're off to Whistler in Canada.  I am so excited.   Don't think we're mad, we both do ski and have done for years.  We've always loved our yearly trip to the snow and even more so since we live in a hot country.  All winter we have whinged at each other about missing the snow but now we're not and by the weekend we'll be surrounded by it.

We've planned an epic trip spending time in Vancouver, Whistler and Seattle (if we're going to go all that way we might as well make the most of it and see as much as we can).  We fly on Friday morning and will be spending my hubby's birthday night in a hotel in Vancouver before heading for Whistler the next day.

I'm so excited, but one thing I'm slightly worried about is the lack of exercise I've done in the past 6 weeks.  I have 4 nights to use my bedroom gym before we leave.  I'm now thinking of Peter Kay again and wondering if I could lose '14 stone in a day!'  Hmmm, don't think so some how.  No matter what, I'm sure hubby and I will be fine.  If however, you don't hear from me after next Sunday, start to worry lol.  OK, off to work now, have a great day.

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